Macey Penelope McRhymes (Purple City):

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I had a bad dream, well nightmare. I was sleeping next to my boyfriend, and I woke up screaming. Alexander bolted right up, and let me bury his face in his chest. He kissed me.

"Sshhh, it's just a nightmare. Wanna explain what had happened?"

"Oh, my friend. In my dream, my friend became a superhero, and wanted to become poor, , just to date a hero, and to not be a villain. I do not want that path for her. I had a dream that she fell super in love with Dragon, and went on his side, and she attacked you and Christopher with all his might, and  you were left for dead." I cried harder.

"That was just a nightmare, my sweetie. That would never happen. And, by The God, he wouldn't let that happen. I don't think that's even possible. Annabella wouldn't betray you like that, even if she knew about it well.... Us"

I also didn't want to tell Alexander about other things. In an alleyway of Purple City the other day, someone had attacked me in broad daylight, by a hero, who I can tell was poor and  I did not dare tell Chester, and Annabella, knowing that they'd tattle tale on me to Alexander. I got lost, and something told me I was in danger. A guy got out and attacked me, ripping my dress (I went to the mall, and brought a similar dress that day. I told the woman of the boutique I was attacked, she called the cops, and she gave me the dress for free). I did see people witness this too, but before the police could come, I bolted so fast. I'm sure I am on the news anyway. And, it's funny, at the time Alexander popped the news up, and I was in a room full of trouble.

He read the news outloud, usually written by a local newreporter named Alison Gilded:

"A woman about 5 '00 feet was attacked in broad daylight, in an alleyway heading home. She had fled the scene. We didn't catch who attacked her, and who was the girl, but we probably should know she got away with one scratch. Anyone who'd know information about this please step forward whether it's about the girl or the attacker...."I averted my eyes. Didn't look at my boyfriend in the face. Then, he really knew something was wrong.

"Speak to me, sweety. What else is bothering you?" I sighed, and took three deep breaths.

"Well, I don't want you to worry. I don't want you, Christopher, Chester, or Annabella to get upset, but I was the woman who got attacked. I'm sorry, I should have told you and Christopher. I didn't want you to worry- I..." I trailed off, and he caught a tear from my face.

"Sweetheart, come to me if you were ever in danger. I won't tell Christopher everything. Do not worry, I would fuck the guy over if I ever catch the sight of him— look at his ugly face! A true criminal for sure." I didn't know if I should believe that or not. They both were too protective over me. My boyfriend then gets up, and retrieves a knife that Christopher gave him.

"Take this..." He said. I shook my head. As a grown adult woman, I have always been afraid of carrying a weapon in my hand, even if it was meant for protection. We cannot really hold a gun and  or knife in our hands roaming the streets of Purple City, but all the villains of Purple City hides their weopons really well in their pockets and  impossible for others to take their weopons away. Purple City wants to make a rule where we can carry them around, called "The Right to Protect Law," but Mayor Rudy Purple and a lot of other citizens will not allow it, although people go ahead about it anyways.

"No, Christopher gave that to you. Keep it, it's yours." The love of my life had smiled, and it was the brightest smile that he had ever made. Continuously and  repeatedly he said to me:

"No. I want you to take it. To defend yourself. Christopher ould want you to have it, babe."

I took the knife from him, and also he almost gave me a gun to use, but he allowed me to refuse that kind of weopon, "just don't tell Christopher, okay. Keep it hidden as much as possible, and when you need to use it, use it. I don't want anything to happen to you, neither would Christopher. He's really helped us, he's a brotherly figure to us. Something that we both never had. He's family now." I smiled, and buried my face in his chest again.

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