Christopher Benedict (Purple City):

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 There was something about Alexander that striked me. I looked at him like he was my brother, my brethren. I met him and Macey at a casino, officially, outsideThe Villains Corporation Inc!™, An evil old lady, most likely a superhero,  had taken Macey away from a casino machine, and yelled:

  "Give me money, give me YOUR money!"A superhero named Marmalaid yelled, "Give me YOUR money." She repeated, "You villains are thieves, and are crooked!" 

  "You get away from her, you old lady." I rebuked, yelling at the superhero.  Marmalaid (oh she's a half- mermaid, and half donkey and half bird),  looked at me, grabbing a gun. Everyone saw the commotion— everyone yelled of fear, and, then she flew in the air, and dashed it out of the casino. A security guard came into crystal clear view, preventing the old womans direction as she flew, and tried to grab the the old hag from firing her gun, but it was too late. She fired it, and  luckily it missed a huge crowd of casino goers, she just hit a music speaker, playing the song "I Want to Rock and  Roll All Night" by an old, old, old band named Kiss, that became a "Dead Song" in our time,  as we call it, but we listen to it anyways. The God nows where she might have gotten the gun from.

His girlfriend was beautiful (no I am not crushing on her), and I knew I needed to protect them at all cost. I've always wanted a brother, I've always wanted a sister, and I'd known they would complete my life. I never had a family that was by my side. My parents died in a car crash, and my grandparents had raised me. They were Italian, and they made pasta every Sunday, and we all went to church together, this was before I became a villain. When I was turned into a villain by a man named Benson, there was no turning back to that life.

   "Thank you, Christopher, for saving my girl's life from Marmalaid, she is the one whose disgusted and crooked, not us!"  He smiled as he shook my hand. I laughed at his silly, silly, response.

"It was nothing really." I gave him a business card and my personal contact, but he then realized I was from The Villains Corporation Inc!™,Just by staring at him, he then recognized me, and I then realized he was a villain on the loose, but not really in a lot of trouble. He said he has a spotty memory. On the card, my card, it said:

  Here is my contact information. He went to look up, and before he knew it I was gone. In Purple City, where it is full of life, I knew every which way on how to avoid crime. Our Mayor, Governor seemed absent all of the time, always trying to prevent crime in the city, but he always failed. I am just too powerful.

 Now, here I am. In a bar. I am reading a magazine in a section about the Star Wars villain named Darth Vader. I always thought to myself: who's a better villain? Me or him, and who would win a fight? Now, I know that Darth Vader is much stronger than I am. But, I also have every trick in mind to control things like the Dark Side of the Force. I know that, if I lived in the Starwars universe, I'd probably be a great Sith leader myself

  I  am listening to a band called The Purple Skulls and I realized.... They are "superheroes" I recognized.  Pink- Man (who is  half of a man, have pink leopard  spots over his body, two different color eyes that are orange and yellow, and purple stripes that run down his arms, that protects him from the sun as he is allergic) and Nickels the Money Head (who can transform into nickels, you'd be surprised about how useful that power is). As The Purple Skulls were playing for such a lively audience tonight, I saw Jumping Kangaroo look into my direction— he is the vocalist of the band, a regular human being, who is an ally of the superheroes, in which he just likes to be called Jumping Kangaroo. His pals thought it was ridiculous, but that is what he wanted, as said by Alison Gilded in one of her latest articles.

 "Stop, Pink- Man and and Nickels the Money Head— Christopher Benedict is in the audience!" Everyone gasped, suddenly scared. I did not feel threateaned at all, and  I knew this was kind of gonna happen. I did not really care about what the others thought of me, a vigilante. 

    "Arrest him!" I gave the bartender money, and dashed out of the bar. No wait, I also ended up stealing some money as that is what villains do! 

He kept saying: "Hey, Hey, Hey!" In one breath, with gusto, I said to the bartender: 

     "Thanks— don't listen to Jumping Kangaroo." I said, "He's a liar. I'm not a villain."  I knew, in reality, I was as I am part of The Villains Corporation Inc!™,The bartender punched me in the face, and stuck up his middle finger. 

    Oh grow a pair, I thought to myself as I was running away. I put on headphones (from which I stole from my next door neighbor), and blasted a song called "I'm Not Afraid"  a "Dead Song" by  Enimem on the latest high technology phone that someone in Canada had just invented, that everyone is going crazy over. And, yes, I stole this too. But not from just random stranger: my own grandmother, and grandfather, who are now retired villains. 


          "You devil," I remember Mr. Alberto Brutal saying,  and being all sorts of proud, "this is brilliant!" He remarked. We have been introduced to a new villain, of my very own creation. His name? Suitman. A reason why he's called that? Well, he's a mission in disguise. We've sent him to become a spy, and  potentially, and  maybe, work with Transport Future to spy on Future Planets. Suitman's powerful suit features:

                                                     -Giving him the power of strength

                                                      - He can become a shapeshifter

                                    - Turn into Earth's elements: Earth, Wind, and Fire

                                                       - Have the power of invisibility

                             -And protect himself from any kind of harm in general

 When people had heard about the invention of my suit, people (even SUPERHEROES) had become super envious and  became my own worse enemy. Alison Gilded, who works for The Purple City Times wrI time about it. I still have the newspaper clippings. I read it from time to time and get quite pleased by in, and normally, the superheroes get the benefits of being in newspapers, and  earning bragging rights, and getting paid for this (villains don't)

        "A man, a villain had created one of the most powerful suits, and  Mr. Alberto Brutal, owner of The Villains Corporation Inc!™, Had indirectly made themselves a new villain. Suitman's suit has the powers of: strength, transforming into Earth, Wind, and Fire, have the power of invisibility, and protect himself from any harm. I asked why Christopher Benedict made such a creation, and  all he said to me was: "I was seemingly bored. I was seemingly inspired by a fashion designer named Pear's Butter who creates insane costumes for villains, and  superheroes alike!"

 I told Alison Guidled about what became a bit of a feud between us. Pear's Butter was just creating a uniform for a new hero in the Superhero Universe, and  the superhero universe is quite hush, hush, about it.....

  I placed the newspaper clipping in my basement, in my lair, and went to bed. I smiled at the thought of competing against Pear's Butter's whose one of the best fashion designers yet!

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