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(Y/N pov)

I opened my eyes to see that I was lying next to Octavia. She looks over at me. "Hey, how was your nap?" she asked softly. I slowly sat up, and a sharp pain went through my whole body cause me to wince in pain. Octavia put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, hey, slow down. You need to rest, " she said as she pushed me back down so that I was lying on my back.

"We need to get to the camp. The grounders is planning to attack and have to tell the others, " I let out as I sat back up and tried to stand up. But before I could, Octavia stopped me once again. "Y/N, wait... they attacked us last night... Lincoln was able to get to me, and he brought me to you... and if I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know how it ended. We wouldn't know what we are walking into, " she explained.

"We have to go back. We have to go see if our people are ok. We have to go see if your brother is ok. What if they need our help, and yes, I know I'm hurt, but I promise that once we know they are safe, I'll rest as long as you want me to" I said as I'm standing up. I held out my hand to help her up to. "You promise?" She asked as she took my hand, and I helped her up. "I promise." I say with a big smile, and she smiled back at me. "Ok, let go then," she said, we both grabbed the things we needed. We asked Lincoln if he wanted to join, but he told us that he had something to do. So we said our goodbyes before heading out. As we were walking back to camp, we were also checking around us so that we didn't have a surprise attack happen to us.

"This is probably the worst thing to say, but I kind of wish that we were back on the ark," I let out as I walked next to Octavia. She looks over at me for a second. She let out a sigh before she spoke. "I... for a couple of days, I was thinking about that too, but you also have to think about it... if we were still on the ark, we would never have met... and I... your... I mean... " she stopped walking and faced me. I stopped as well, I'm confused about what she was trying to say.

"Fuck ok what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad I met you Y/N and I know I was a bitch in the beginning but then I got to know you and your really great and I don't want to lose you cause you mean a lot to me" she ramble out quickly. "When I got back to camp and found out that you were gone, I got really worried, and I tried to look for you, but I didn't know where to look cause we only be down here for a couple of days and-" I interrupted her.

"Woah, woah, hey, slow down. It's ok. I get it. At least you tried," I smiled. "And you mean a lot to me to," I say. "You can say that I would do anything for you at this point," I confessed. She had looked at me with a big smile.

(No one pov)

Octavia and Y/N stood in front of each other, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. In that moment, it was clear to anyone watching that the two had deep feelings for one another. Octavia's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she held Y/N's gaze, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the sight of admiration reflected back at her. Y/N's eyes sparkled with an unspoken longing, a desire bubbling just beneath the surface as they searched Octavia's face for some kind of affirmation. The air between them crackled with tension, anticipation hanging heavy as they both hesitated to break the spell by speaking their thoughts aloud. It was a simple moment shared in silence, but the energy pulsing between them spoke volumes about the unspoken connection they shared and the longing they felt for each other.

Their heart raced with anticipation. Octavia's presence was captivating, drawing Y/N closer with each step. With a deep breath, Y/N mustered up the courage to take a step forward, wanting nothing more than to express their feelings towards Octavia. The moment felt electric, as if the air around them was charged with unspoken emotions. Y/N felt a spark of connection that made their heart skip a beat. In that moment, everything seemed to fade away except for the intense desire to be closer to Octavia. It was a feeling unlike any other, one that left Y/N yearning for more.

Y/N took another step closer to Octavia so that they were inches away. Y/N placed her right hand on Octavia cheek softly as she slowly leaned over. Octavia leaned in as well. They were inches away and were about to kiss until they heard something running past them.

They quickly pulled away and looked around them to see a deer running away from them. They looked over at each other, and they burst out laughing. "Scarded me for a second there," Y/N let out in between laughs. "Same," Octavia said as she tried to calm down from laughing.

"Come on, we should get going before it gets dark." Y/N said as she held out her hand for Octavia to take. Octavia took Y/N's hand, and they started walking again.

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