Chapter 23- Is She Going To Be Alright?

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*Couple Weeks Later: Central Coast, Australia- Afternoon*

Ciara POV

I sighed deeply sitting on the sand, someone sighs sitting down next to me. It was Calum, I turn to him "What are you going to do?" I asked him, he shrugged "I don't know, she's in UK with my family and fucking Luke" he said with hint of anger. I sighed placing my hand on his lap "Calum, you should go chase after Amy" I said with small smile, he shook his head "I'm not going to leave you, you're my fiancée and I love you to death...leave you is like killing myself" he said pecked my lips. I sighed "Calum, this is Amy we are talking love her" I said to him, he shook his head again "No, she loves Luke and I love you" he said took my hand and place a kiss on it.

I sighed standing up "I'm going to UK and getting Amy back for you if you don't do it" I said dusting myself off, Calum shook his head mimicking my action "No! You're going to stay here in Australia with me" he said grabbing my hand. I shook my head "Calum" I said, he groans "Ciara, she made her choice being with Owen, Sophia and Luke and I'm making my own by being with you, Lucas and Ariana" he said sighing. I cleared my throat "Calum, you belong to Luke" I said not realising what I said. Calum raised his eyebrow "Luke? You mean Amy" he said biting his lip, I gave confused look "Huh? I said Amy not Luke" I asked scratching my head. He laughed shaking his head "You said you belong to Luke" he said chuckling.

I facepalmed and laughed "Oh sorry, I thought I said Amy...sorry Cal" I said giggling, he shook his head "No, it's fine cause I belong to you not to Luke" he said chuckling, I flipped my finger at him giggling "Shut up! People make mistakes" I said and he nodded "That's right! I made a mistake by marrying Amy and letting you go again" he said and I groaned "Calum!" I shouted making him confused "What?" he asked. I rubbed my face "You belong to Amy! Not to me, I'm fucked up and I will never learn to love you for real as I will always cheat and leave you which makes you running back to Amy!" I said in one breath. He shrugged "Doesn't bother me if you cheat on me 100x or billion times Ciara, I love you baby" he said holding my hands. I removed it "Calum! You're fucking stupid, use that smart brain of yours! Think mate! I'm going to hurt you!" I said breaking it down simply yet he still shrugged.

I screamed in frustration, I ran to the water and drive in without removing my sundress. Calum followed and swam towards me as I rise from the water "I'm not going to let you again" he said touching my face, I sighed "Fine! But I'm say-" something pulled my down, I screamed but it was too late as I'm already under the water dragging down almost to the bottom. My eyes closed, before I knew it I was placed on sand with Calum beside me in tears and I was unconscious.

*Place* (Hint: There's doctors and nurse in this place*

Calum POV

Fuck! I pulled out my phone, I dialled Ashton.

Phone Conversation:

C: Calum

A: Ashton

A: Calum? How are going? Where have you been?

C: *Sighs* I'm okay but Cici's not!

A: What do you mean?

C: S-She wa-

My phone died. Oh fuck! Just fucking great! Fuck!

*UK: Night Time, Amy's Flat*

Luke POV

"Amy?" I call out, she pop out of nowhere "Yes darling?" she asked, I sighed "Ashton just called me" I said, she walked towards me "Ashton?" she asked, I nodded and she nod for me to continue "What happened?" she asked, I opened my mouth with tears slowly rolling down. Amy walked towards me.

*Couple Minutes Later*

"No, you're lying Luke!" Amy shouted in tears, I walked towards her shaking my head "I'm sorry, Amy" I said to her in tears and Owen walks inside the Living Room with Sophia in his arms confused "What's going on?" he asked, Amy walked towards Owen wiping her tears "Your Aunt Ciara got" she pause making Owen more confused "Aunt Ciara? What happened?" he asked. Amy continued to sob taking Sophia and handed to me, she leads Owen to the Kitchen making him more confused "Mum, you're scaring me, tell me what happened?" he said with tears forming, I sat down with Sophia in my arms crying.

Calum POV

Shit! I can lose her, I just got her back! What am I going to do?! I sat down on the benches, Ashton arrives with Selena and Michael. I stood up, Michael spoke up "What happened?" he asked in tears, Selena nods in tears while Ashton ruffles his hair in tears. I sighed "We were at the bench and we were just talking then Ciara dived in the water, I chased after her and before I knew it....she..." I choked on my spit, Michael walked towards me "She what? Calum?" he asked with tears continuously falling down. Ashton and Selena sat down on the chairs in tears, I sighed "She was caught by a current then drowned and became unconscious" I said in tears.

Michael dropped down to the floor, Selena sobs harder with her head on lap. I spoke up "Luckily, I saved her before it's too late" I said sniffling, Ashton walked towards me "Ciara can't die, we still need her" he said and I nodded. Lucas and Ariana arrived in tears running towards us "Is our mum okay?" Ariana asked, Lucas nods. I open my mouth until the doctor and nurse came out of the Emergency Room with unreadable expressions.

A/N: Hey guys! Chapter done and dusted! Stay tuned for @imaginethosevamps, Amy's part next! WOO!

Will Ciara survive? I don't know!


Fan @imaginethosevamps @smileforhemmings

- Mary Anne :)

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