o. she returns

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6 months ago

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6 months ago..

Lucien, Aurora, and Tristan stood together in an open field, the moon casting a silvery glow over the scene. Lucien glanced at his watch, then sighed deeply, tilting his head back to gaze at the luminous moon. "Your witch is rather late," he remarked, his tone dripping with impatience. Tristan shot him a sharp look, his glare a silent command for Lucien to be quiet and patient.

Irritated, Lucien turned towards Tristan, his body tense and bristling with annoyance. Sensing the brewing conflict, Tristan raised his eyebrows, prepared to stand his ground. Just as Lucien was about to step closer, Aurora quickly intervened, stepping between the two men. She raised a hand and tutted, a sound of disapproval. "Enough. We are working together now, whether you two like it or not. I would prefer it if you kept the fighting to a minimum today."

Lucien paused, his frustration momentarily quelled by Aurora's firm stance. He looked at her for a moment before stepping back, conceding to her authority. Tristan, meanwhile, turned away with an amused smile playing on his lips, clearly entertained by the exchange.

A few minutes passed when, finally, Aya Al Rashid walked into the clearing, bringing with her a young girl with striking white hair, draped in a long black hooded cloak. "Aya." Tristan acknowledges her presence with a nod, causing the others to look in her direction.

"Apologies for the delay," Aya said, her tone composed. "Allow me to introduce, Aleah."

Lucien looked the girl up and down, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of amusement and scepticism. A laugh escaped his lips. "I'm sorry, is this... toddler supposed to be the one tearing a hole in the very wall that separates us, the living, from the dead?" he scoffed.

Aya turned to Lucien, her gaze steady. "I assure you, Aleah is perfectly capable. I have no doubt about her abilities."

Aleah, until then silent, lifted her head slightly, revealing her icy blue eyes beneath the hood. She spoke with a calm yet firm voice, addressing the three of them. "Forgive me. I have heard from a friend in Mystic Falls, Virginia, that the anchor to the Other Side is becoming overwhelmed. The Other Side is destroying itself from the inside out. It is already weak. All I have to do is hold open a door and pull the girl through."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of her assertion challenging their doubts. Lucien's smirk faded slightly, Aurora's scepticism wavered, and even Tristan's amusement turned into a contemplative look. The gravity of the situation was evident, and the girl's confidence in her abilities was difficult to ignore.

Tristan nodded once again, his expression serious and resolute. "Very well, you may begin."

Aleah returned his nod and gracefully lowered herself to her knees on the grass. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she began to chant an incantation, her voice steady and melodic. Lucien, standing nearby, folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, his irritation evident in every restless movement.

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