After the fight || Drew P.O.V.

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Timeline: The fight 

     I was sick of it. 

     Sick of it all. 

     Why won't he listen to me? I've been friends with Jake much longer than that stupid blue-haired freak. 

      Is he sick of me– am I not entertaining enough? Am I not good enough for him? Why won't he just listen to me and take a moment to just snap out of it and stop hanging out with those stupid freaks instead of me. Those freaks aren't better than me, Henry, or Liam. So then.. Why. 

      Why won't he listen?

      Why won't he hang out with me anymore? 

      Why is he defending that- that freak..?

      Oh. I know. He doesn't care enough for me. He never will. He will never care for me the way that I do for him no matter how hard I try. He left me for those freaks in a heartbeat, and yet I had hope that it was still beating; He tried to persuade me by apologizing through this speech but I wasn't listening. I didn't need to, he's proved just how much he cares about me through his actions, he's not going to disguise them through his words any longer. I won't allow it. 

       I can't cry, I can't let him know that he's got to me. I can't let myself be humiliated by him, I have to say something. I gave him a second to stop talking; I smiled and began applauding him for his 'speech' that truthfully meant nothing to me on the inside. "Wow.. I'm so happy for you Jake. It's funny.. I really thought they were using you. Turns out you were just manipulating me this whole time." I rolled my eyes and caught a glimpse of Jake looking at me in a mixed state of shock and disbelief, "Nice to know we were never really friends."

      Jake never broke eye contact with me, "That's not! Drew.." I looked up again and he gave me the same puppy-dog eyes that I used to know. As if that would have anymore effect on me at this day and time after what he has done. 

      "Whatever. Im done with you. Have a nice life." I paused


         I walked away in agony. What did he expect from me anyway? After all that he has done to me?! To Liam? To Henry? To Lia? He isn't signifiant to us anymore, he has lost his place as someone I once knew. All he is now is a freak to me, and everyone else should see that too. I may have not send the recording but sometimes I wish that it would've got him out of that stupid club and snapped him back into his senses. 

         Right. The freak club. They're the reason for all of this happening in the very first place. Jake would've never left me it was wasn't for them; even though I hate them, I suppose they did me a favor. They really showed how much Jake really values my existence deep down in that shitty and empty heart of his that I only now acknowledged.  

        I was out of sight range from those freaks when I began to run, I felt as though I was about to vomit. I was blinded by tears and I was on a floor that was nowhere near a bathroom or anywhere private; I suppose I was lucky that lunch period was still continuing– I thought it would've been over by now but I refuse to complain in a time like this. I don't remember the last time I let myself cry like this– even when I'm technically left alone. I just can't believe that I just said that to Jake: the boy who treated me with almost nothing but kindness and tenderness, the boy who used to listen to me rant even if it's the most stupidest topic; the boy who would care for me when no one else did, and the boy that I wanted with me for much longer than how it really turned out.

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