It Was Always You

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(Harry's POV)

"You see that tiny dot on the inside of your wrist Harry? When both you and your soulmate turn 18 and look at each other, it will bloom into flowers. Just remember to kiss your soulmate, or the flowers will start stinging."

I replayed my mom's voice in my head. Evey one had been explained the whole soulmate thing from a young age so they would be prepared. And I was prepared. Not.

It was my 18th birthday AKA the most important day of my life. The day I would meet my soulmate. At least I hoped so. I glanced at my watch for the hundredth time. 11:30 PM. Where the fuck was my dolt of a soulmate?

"Mate, relax, " Niall, my best mate, chimed. "There's more to turning 18 than soulmates. Like legal beer."

Liam, also my best mate, shot him a look. "The two of you have been drinking since you were 16."

"Not legally. " Niall retorted

I had to snicker at that. Liam turned to me with a softer face. "Don't worry Harry, there's still time. And even if you don't find him today, maybe he's not 18 yet."

"Mmh, yeah. Probably." I replied somewhat doubtfully. The flower thing only worked when th youngest turned 18, so if my soulmate was younger than me, the flowers wouldn't bloom just yet. But then again, if he is younger than me, then their was something wrong. I was more into older folk.

Maybe I was aro. They didn't get soulmates. I dismissed the thought. My past crushes had been far too intense. I doubt you hve intense crushes if you're aro.

"Okay, I need a break. I'm going to some coffee." I announced.

"Stay safe," Mother Hen Liam said.

"Don't die, " The ever concerned Niall added.

I left my dorm room and jogged up to the tiny coffee shop I worked at. The words Caffeine Shot glowed in a soft golden light from the fairy lights glued to the wooden sign. The door chimed as I stepped inside. The tiny 'closed' sign fluttered in the wind. The sweet smell of coffee almost made every worry of mine disappear. There was only one guy in the shop and it looked like he was closing up. Funny, I was the only guy working at the shop. The rest were all girls. Ah, it hit me then. He must be the new guy Becky was telling me about.

Perfect, the new guy starts the job on the one day I take off.

He was hunched over a table with a cloth and cleaning spray with his back to me. I felt a little bad about asking him to stay open just a little longer, but I needed coffee. Specifically Caffeine Shot coffee. I glanced at the clock on the wall. 11:59. The coffee shop closed at 12 so if I made my order within one minute, I would not be breaking any rule. As for my soulmate, guess I would just have to wait till his 18th birthday.

"Excuse me," I called out. "I know you're closing up, but could I have an espresso to go? It won't take much time."

He seemed to stiffen for a second before sighing and pulling himself straight. "Sir, we're closed. There's a sign outside. Can you not read or something?" He turned around.

Blue eyes looked into mine. Familiar blue eyes. Louis Tomlinson's blue eyes.

"What the fu-"

The words were barely out my mouth when a burning pain shot up my left arm. I fell to myn knees. In front of me, Louis doubled over. I looked at my arm. Flowers. Fuck. No. It can't be. 

"Ow, what the frick frack frickety snack tick tack is going on?" Louis yelled at me. Right, because this was my fault. Actually, it technically was, but let's not go there.

The kiss. I needed to kiss him. Lord have mercy on me. What have I ever done to deserve this? Not Louis Tomlinson. Please no.

The pain intensified. I winced and hissed through my teeth. I didn't have a choice.

I crawled towards Louis. His eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to scratch the flowers on his wrist off.

"Louis," I whispered. He opened his eyes. "I need to do this." I cupped his face, pulled him closer and pressed a quick, half assed kiss on his lips. The pain dimmed. I tried to move away, lost my balance, and fell on my back. Louis stood up. He looked at my arm, then his. The patterns burned into our skin were identical. God, no.

"We are closed. Get the fuck out."

I ran out of my shop. Coffee long forgotten with two words on my mind. Kill. Me.

I barged into my dorm and slammed the door shut. Niall and Liam looked from their beds with irritation.

"What is your problem you-," Niall began.

"I found my soulmate," I cut him off.

Liam smiled. "Harry! That's amaz-"

"It's Louis Tomlinson."

Silence. Followed by a collective "what?"

I took a deep breath. "Louis William Tomlinson, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first and most brutal heartbreak, is my soulmate."

There. I said it. It's official now. My ex boyfriend is my soulmate. Happy birthday to me. What a wonderful present. Louis Tomlinson. It's always that scoundrel. Always.



Hey guys!

First chapter. It's kinda crappy but it is what it is. So a little background info, Louis and Harry are in uni. They're music students. Harry is a freshman and has just joined. Niall and Liam are a year older. Louis is two years older.

Please vote, comment and share. Lemme know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.

Love you and TPWK!!!

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