We've Got A Bit Of Love-Hate

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(Louis' POV)

Life was booming. College was off to a great start, I made tons of new friends, I joined the LGBT+ support group which served rainbow coloured cupcakes and cookies. Talk about life being all cupcakes and rainbows (get it? Cause I'm getting rainbow cupcakes!)

The only kinda bad part was working with Harry. We'd kinda sorta worked things out or atleast come up with a something that resembled closure, but saying it was awkward was the understatement of the century.

"Louis Tomlinson! If you try to flirt with one more customer I swear I'm going to fire you." Harry yelled.

"I can't help it if all the old ladies have stopped going gaga over you now that a more handsome and charmin beast works here. I can't stop my natural charm. " I replied.

Harry huffed in response. Why Harry was so irritated about me calling the old lady a drop dead gorgeous model, I wasn't sure. Harry was super irritated about everything I did really. This one time someone complimented the latte I made and Harry said something like "little Mr. Perfect. Always so great." Another time someone said my latte sucked and Harry ensures that never heard the end of it.

I'm not great at figuring stuff out. I'm 20 and I still add numbers on my fingers so I'm probably also not the smartest tool in the shed (is that the saying? I'm not really sure, maybe that proves my point), but I was smart enough to grasp the fact that Harry did not really like me very much. For good reason I would like to add, but it still hurt to see him so cold and distant.

That wasn't the Harry I remembered. But was I the Louis he remembered? No, we had both changed, and there was no going back on that. For better or for worse.

The bell chimed, signalling the entry of another customer. I turned around to see Zayn and sighed in relief. I was hell tired and most definitely needed my best friend. I hadn't seen him in a while with our busy schedules, but I was really grateful to see him here. I wa fairly sure he had emotion trackers on me. How else would he know exactly when I needed him most and just show up?

We were halfway through our intricate secret high five (yes,that's a thing with us. No, it's not childish) before I realised he had company. Liam Payne. I recognized him from Zayn's endless descriptions of his eyes, hair and what not. In case it wasn't clear, Zayn hac the biggest crush imaginable on Liam James Payne. To top things off, they were soulmates who had decided to let their love bloom naturally and then start dating. I had found that (and them) unbearably sweet. They were obviously whipped but had insisted on dancing around their feelings for a two whole years. 

"This is Liam, Lou. My boyfriend, " Zayn introduced after catching me staring. I noticed the way he blushed bright red when he said the words 'my boyfriend' and smiled. I turned to Liam and waved.

"Liam, this is Louis. My best friend." Zayn added

'"I've heard a lot about you, " Liam smiled. "All of it good of course."

That was obviously a lie. There's not much that's good about me for anyone to know or tell. Including Zayn. 

Zayn asked Liam to find them a table and sent him off, leaving the two of us alone. "So?" He asked. "What do you think? "

"He is a walking cliche, not really my type. "

Zayn smacked my shoulder. Why do friends always do that? I feel like that is some kind if unwritten, unspoken law of nature or something.

"Fine, fine. He seems sweet enough. I'm glad I finally got to see him. I was starting to think you were making him up, " I corrected my statement. That seemed to be good enough for Zayn.

"How have you been holding up? " He asked, eyes darting around the shop looking for Harry. I breathed a heavy sigh which answered Z's question. He patted my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look.

"So, what can I get for you?" I changed the topic. I wasn't a big fan of people paying too much attention to my problems for too long. 

Zayn ratted off a long order that I'm fairly sure I would have forgotten had he not coined a song for it (I've known Zayn since I was 12, so yes, we do have a song for his coffee order).

I made a joke about his order overshadowing the entire discography of Hamilton and he laughed. As if on cue, Harry popped up behind my shoulder. "You don't get paid to stand around laughing Louis, get to work."

That little bastard. I mumbled a couple curses under my breath and obliged. No point picking fights with the one person I couldn't win against. I glanced back at him for a second, reminiscing old times like some bitter grandpa, before shaking my head and dismissing all such thoughts.

(Harry's POV)

"What the fuck Liam? " I cornered him.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that my boyfriend's best friend/brother is your ex-boyfriend? As in it's the same Louis?" Liam asked.

I groaned and fell against the wall. I knew something was off when Louis was waving and smiling at Liam but I just thought it was his customer care thing. I couldn't blame Liam, he'd never even seen a picture of Louis, unlike Niall who was practically Louis' second best friend once upon a time.

"You should get back to your date. I'll figure something out."

Liam gave me a puppy dog look before exiting the washroom and going back to his lover boy.

So basically, the problem is that Liam's boyfriend's best friend is his best friend's ex boyfriend who he can't stand to be close to. It reads like one of thos '2+2 (ps. the answer is not 4)' kind of questions. Stupid and with no possible answer.

I leaned against the wall and sighed deeply, thinking back to the 'talk' me and Louis had had.


"Hey" Louis said awkwardly.

I glared in response. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

"So, uh, well, I was kinda thinking," Louis stuttered.

"Don't worry, it's hard doing things for the first time. You'll get the hang of it soon. " I couldn't resist saying, breaking my oath of silence.

Louis looked surprised and I could see amusement written in every line of his smug face. I could see him mentally biting his tongue. I knew he could one-up my remark very easily but was holding back for the sake of having civilised conversation.

"We work together now so-"

"Great observation, I never would have noticed," I cut him off.

Louis huffed out a breath. "What's your fucking problem mate? Would it kill you to have a proper conversation?"

"What's my problem? Why don't you ask yourself that? Or did you forget everything that easily?" I snapped.

I saw Louis physically bite his tongue this time. "You absolute-" He stopped halfway, as if holding himself back from insulting me.

He seemed to deflate. "My point is, we have to work together now. Becky is a super chill gal but I'm pretty sure she won't be very on board with us starting our personal World War 3. We never have to talk to each other unless we have to. All I'm asking for is a little cooperation on your end. Is that too much too ask for?"

I didn't reply.

"Thank you.

And he left.



Hey guys! 

Hope you guys are liking this book so far. This is pretty much my first proper one so you'll have to cut me some slack. I'm always open to feedback so please let me know your thoughts! 

I love you!! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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