Gentle Reminder 10

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hii this is not a story, this is gentle reminder for youu!

Remember that your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. You were made to speak so speak loudly and honestly about how you feel. Speak about what hurts you, about what has broken you. Speak about yo- ur story, share it with the world.

Remember that the carbon in your body is the same carbon that courses through this Earth, that makes up mountains. Let this remind you that you can stand alone, you can stand tall, for just like Everest, just like Fuji, you are a force to be reckoned with.

Remember that the bones within your body are as strong as granite. You are never broken, you are never weak. When you feel like you couldn't possibly bear the weight of heartbreak, of growth, remember that your foundations are stronger than concrete. You were made to endure, you were made to withstand.

Repeat after me: You were made to survive. Every sin- gle part of you, every single perceived flaw and every single aspect of who you are, was made with the in- tention of defying the odds. You were bred from to- ugh, celestial pieces of this world, and therefore it will never be able to defeat you.

You can do hard things. You can do hard things, and not because you will be unaffected and bulletproof within your growth, not because you are immune to breaking down, not because you will find it easy to na- vigate all that is healing within you. No, your journey is never going to be faultless, is never going to be de- void of pain, but you can do hard things, because you show up to do them, even if it is imperfectly.

Even when it hurts. Even if you break down. Even if you feel tender. No matter how weathered you feel, no matter how lost you feel, you can wake up in the mor- ning, you can do whatever you have to do in order to tuck the light between your bones, you can do whate- ver you have to do in order to remind yourself that go- odness exists, that you are capable of finding it, that things are always going to be okay.

You can do hard things. You are strong eno- ugh to live without them. You are strong eno- ugh to become the person you have always wanted to be. You are strong enough to let go, to walk away, to ask for what you need, to stand up for yourself and your heart and the life you truly want to live. You can do hard things, no matter how difficult they are. Whatever you do, please, just believe in that. Keep going. Nothing is going to defeat you. Nothing has the capacity to destroy you, un- less you give it permission to. So keep going.

You're going to look back on these moments in your future, and you are going to be so glad that you trust-ed in your healing. You are going to be so glad that you chose to beli- eve that there was more for you.

The love you deserve will choose you just as confidently as you choose it. The love you deserve will fight for what you have when difficulty hangs heavy in the air, it will insist that you are stronger together, that you are capable of beating the odds, that you are filled with the potential to turn your losses into lessons -

into seeds that will make it stronger. The love you de-

serve will be your voice of reason; it will calm the soft

creature you are when doubt sinks into your skin, it will

build your restless heart a safe place within itself.

The love you deserve will love you unapologetically, and that beauty, that softness, will inspire you to believe in the human being you are becoming. The love you deser- ve will see gardens within you where you see cemeteri- es. It will reflect its vision into your eyes, it will show you the way the world sees you. The love you deserve will support you, it will ruthlessly believe in your mind, it will celebrate your depth. The love you deserve will be proud of you not just when you are a shining exam- ple of yourself, but also when you are not. The love you deserve will love you, even when you do not deserve it.

The love you deserve will clap for the parts of yourself you always used to hide, it will cherish the twists within your soul that others always wanted to untie.

The love you deserve will peek into the most profound parts of who you are, and it will cradle you there. It will not cower, it will not run away. The love you deserve will be your best when you are not your best. It will show up for you in the dark.

But most importantly, the love you deserve will teach you how to trust in the timing of your life. How to trust in the fact that it was always going to find you.

The love you deserve will teach you how courageous it is to simply have faith in the heart of another, how diffi- cult and messy and beautiful vulnerability can be after years of hurt. The love you deserve will teach you that you were never too much for those you always tried to give your soul to. You were always enough.

You were just giving your heart to the wrong people.

You were always worthy.

credit : agentlereminder

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