Chapter 1

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There was blood everywhere. It was everywhere in the kitchen, like a wild painting. My mother lay on top of it all, the knife, embedded in beautiful patterns, sticking out of her heart. I crawled towards her, crying and yelling. The fire surrounded us. I tried to shake her awake; her blood was all over my hands and shirt. I kept screaming for her to wake up, but nothing changed. Her eyes stared at the ceiling, lifeless and still. The flames were now getting closer and closer....

I jerked awake when the car hit a bump on the road. The one-hour flight from New York to Maine, plus another two-hour drive into town, was exhausting, given that I hate traveling. I leaned my head against the car window and looked at the scenery. It was beautiful; there was the ocean, and I could see the lighthouse. I sat up as I saw the gateway signboard coming into view: 'WELCOME TO SILVERWOOD.' "I'm guessing we have reached?" I asked the driver, a stranger whose name eluded me. He kept on driving, not bothering to reply. I let out a sigh and settled back into the seat. I plugged my earphones in and continued to look out the window. Not more than ten minutes later, the car halted. "We're here," announced the driver. Tucking the earphones back into my pocket, I reluctantly emerged from the car. what stood in front of me was a small house, you know the ones they show in those movies? Yeah, exactly like that. The driver retrieved my suitcase and placed it beside me. "Thanks for the ride," I muttered, but he was already back in the car, driving off. Great conversation.

Lugging my suitcase, I approached the porch and rang the bell. The door opened, revealing a woman nearly identical to my mother. A frown etched her face and.. confusion?

"Can I help you?" she asked, the uncertainty in her voice evident. Am I in the wrong house or something?

"Uhh... This isn't Edelyne Pierce's residence?" I hesitated. The woman squinted, reminiscent of someone with eyesight problems. She scanned me up and down, but when her gaze landed on my suitcase, her eyes snapped back to mine, and she gasped. "Lumina?!" I managed a small smile and nodded. In an instant, I found myself enveloped in a tight, soul-crushing hug. When she pulled back, Edelyne had tears in her eyes, still holding my arms as she examined me. A tear slipped down her cheek. "You have her eyes..." she whispered. Now that made me feel like crying. Edelyne swiftly took my suitcase, disregarding any protest, and ushered me inside. "I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry, Lumina! I was told you were supposed to come tomorrow... I... I... gosh!" she rambled. "It's okay...I was actually, supposed to come tomorrow but the social workers said something about a cheaper flight? I'm here now, and please...just call me Mina" I reassured her. "you've grown so much Lumina, I couldn't even recognize you." She said with a smile reminiscent of my mom. Okay then, Lumina it is. I surveyed the house, paintings and

childhood pictures adorned the walls, and the inviting couches and fireplace created a warm atmosphere. A grand stair led to the attic bedrooms, but a strange emptiness lingered, making it hard to believe this could ever feel like home again, especially after what happened. When I turned to Edelyne, the same indiscernible emotion filled her eyes. She resembled my mom; after all, she's her twin sister. I didn't remember Edelyne well; I was a baby when I last saw her. She combed my long brown hair with her fingers, and as if remembering something, her eyes widened. "Oh my god, you have come... after traveling for so long, and you must be so hungry... and here I am not asking or even offering you something! Not even water!" With that, she rushed to the kitchen, frantically searching cupboards. I chuckled at the sight; she looked like those cartoon characters in a panic. " It's fine... I'm not hungry at all... though I won't mind freshening up..." I suggested. She stopped searching for food and exclaimed, "Ahh! Yes, your room!... come, come, follow me... I'll show you to your room." And with that, she ascended the stairs, carrying my suitcase despite my protests.


My room had a minimal design; a large wardrobe, a double bed with clean sheets on it and a headboard of carved wood. The walls are a soft cream color, and the room is simple and elegant in a minimalist kind of way. There is a desk with a chair, and the window, which is next to the bed is wide and tall, so that the window frame fits the entire wall, with a soft white curtain which is currently drawn aside. Edelyne has said that she didn't do much design since she didn't know how I would like the room but honestly? Minimalist is kind of my aesthetic and plus, I'm gonna be here only for two years, so it doesn't really matter. Inhaling deeply, I flopped onto the bed. It was so soft that the idea of wrapping myself up and sleeping forever instantly crossed my mind. But instead I pushed myself up to reach for my suitcase. As I opened it, the first thing that caught my eye was the picture frame of my mom and me. It was from just four months ago when we decided to go on a picnic. "I miss you, Mama," I whispered, placing the frame on the desk. I began unpacking my things, trying to organize everything in the hope that it might make me feel more at home. Surprise! It didn't.

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