Chapter 3

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"So... I heard you're from New York?" Blair asked, her voice sweet, almost like honey, but you couldn't miss the tinge of arrogance she was barely covering. I nodded in reply. "What are you doing here in Maine then?" asked Asher. " my mom died actually, and my aunt who lives here is the only family I have left. So, that's why I'm here in Maine," I explained. Asher seemed unsure of how to respond, closing his eyes as soon as I spoke. "Shit, Mina, I had no idea... I'm so sorry," Sam expressed. "What about your dad?" Blair asked casually. "Jesus, Blair! What is wrong with you? You can't ask that!" hissed Olivia. They were almost acting as if I wasn't even there with them. "What? I'm just asking... Mina doesn't mind, right Mina?" Blair said, looking at me. My blood started to boil. "No, I don't mind. My dad left before I was born. So I never really knew. Satisfied with the information, Blair?" I told her with a mocking smile. Sam coughed to break the tension, but Blair was still glaring at me. "We're going into town after school. You should join us," Sam suggested. I knew I shouldn't accept because now I could feel the hatred from Blair. I should decline the offer. It would make my life a hell lot easier. "Sure". And With that, did I just call more problems in my life? Yes, yes I did.

'PARADOX'. It was the hangout spot for everyone from the school. The place boasted a few arcade games, food, and an ice-skating rink. I regretted saying yes the moment we got into Asher's Mercedes. I sent a quick text to my Aunt, to which she replied 'have fun!' Have fun my ass...I am already regretting this decision.

The car ride was pretty awkward for me. Olivia sat in the passenger seat, Asher drove, and I was squeezed between Blair and Sam in the backseat. They all chatted about random stuff and gossip while I just had to sit there and stare forward at the road. Yes. Completely regretting. As I mentioned, Paradox was the go-to place for everyone our age, according to Olivia. When we entered, the entire place was filled with people, mostly from the school. I recognized the girl I bumped into earlier, sitting with two guys and a girl who looked little older. Sam selected a seat for us and called for the waiter. "The usual, please," he asked. "Is it just me, or is Ryland and Alden looking hotter today?" Olivia commented, looking behind me. I turned to see she was pointing to where the girl I bumped into was sitting. Glancing at Asher, he had an annoyed look on his face. "You should focus on your own boyfriend," Blair remarked. "Don't be jealous, babe," Olivia told Asher. Asher scoffed, "Me? Jealous of them? Please. They might have good looks, but at least I'm not a freak like them." Freaks? "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "That group behind you? They're the Arrakas." Our food arrived, and the conversation paused. After the waiter went away, Olivia continued. "-the two guys, the one with dark brown hair and the blond one, they graduated from our school last year. And the two girls they're sitting with go to our school. They're all siblings," explained Olivia. "So, what's so freaky about them?"

"Well, they always keep to themselves. Nobody knows anything about them except for the fact that they're stinking rich..and well..extremely hot."

"I heard...the blond one..Alden, he used to date a sophomore for 2 months..and let's just say...she left the town for good," said Asher. "Dude, that was just a rumor. Cassie's dad got transferred," defended Sam. "Whatever, you should just stay away from them," said Blair, with Asher nodding in response. I looked at Sam. He had been pretty quiet the entire time. " What's so special about them?" I asked. This time it was Sam who replied, "Their real last name is Arrakas, except Ryland, his last name is Jakias... I don't know much about them-"

"Who does?" scoffed Blair.

"- but since they all just stick to each other...and disappear at time...people just keep their distance." Sam explained. I glanced at them, and at first glance, they appeared pretty normal to me. However, as my eyes roamed, the dark-haired one's gaze met mine, and suddenly, my breath caught in my throat. I told myself to look away, to break free from this captivating gaze, but I couldn't. It was as if I were ensnared in some enchanting spell, unable to divert my eyes. The enchantment, however, broke when he shifted his attention to what his brother was saying, releasing me from the mesmerizing hold of his eyes "Why don't we show Mina Wendy's Clothes and Style? I'm sure you will love it. This town is pretty small, but Wendy has got the best styles," offered Olivia. My eyes snapped to her. "Sure, I would love to," I said. Blair looked bored, like she wanted to be anywhere but here, next to me. Feelings mutual, Blair. "Why not? She looks like she needs it," she said, eyeing my outfit. Don't make a scene, Mina. Don't make a scene. Don't make a scene. With that, I calmed myself mentally and started to head towards Wendy's.


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