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00. Introduction

IN A TIME LONG FORGOTTEN, eight stars appeared in the night sky. One by one, a drop fell from each one. Those drops were the gods: Cá, Bakkhos, Disdemona, Islywn, Nephthys, Keres, Siri, and Pæon. When the drops met the land, the world shook. The once shapeless land now had mountains and valleys, caves and crevices, and endless other places to explore. And the drops that fell were now mighty beings.

The eight gods took the forms of what would be the first Phaetrans. The siblings recognized each other and hugged and kissed and celebrated. They created a feast, which took them two days to finish, and slept until the second sunrise after.

When the gods woke, they made all that Phaetra is and all that it will be. However, there was a problem. The siblings didn't often agree on everything, or anything for that matter. So they divided up the land between them and developed it in ways that were just right for their needs. And they developed creatures and resources that were just right for the land. And they developed people that were just right for the creatures and the resources and the land.

The kingdoms, as they were created, were Prota, Amagat, Scylla, Joka, Hippolytos, Impisi, Raiona, and Dione.

The gods walked among their people every day. They would sing and dance and feast. They would mourn together. They even loved.

Demigods were not uncommon. Born of the gods and their mortal lovers, they walked the land for many generations.

As long as the gods and demigods lived among them, Phaetra was a joyous place. Even when the gods ascended into the heavens when their presence became overwhelming, the kingdoms continued as they were.

This was called The Creation.

THE KINGDOMS OF PHAETRA were a harmonious collection of people. They celebrated each other in their differences and aided in their prosperity. Not a day went by where the people of the kingdoms didn't gather to fellowship or share stories. However, it was nothing like Peace Day.

Peace Day was the biggest celebration of the year. People from all the kingdoms would gather at the geographical center of the world and party. They would eat, drink, and dance. Old friends would catch up and new loves would spark. Most Phaetrans that married outside of their kingdom often cited Peace Day as their first meeting.

But most of all, the kingdoms celebrated their gods.

THE EIGHT GODS OF PHAETRA loved their people dearly, and the same could be said for the eight kingdoms. Each kingdom has a fountain in honor of one of the gods. Each fountain flows crystal waters through every season. As long as the fountains remain, so do the kingdoms. As long as the fountains remain, so does the peace.

The high priests that maintain the fountains and their temples will take water of the fountains and christen all the babies born since the last Peace Day. It is an offering that Phaetrans will continue to use their skills and hone their craft at the benefit of the gods and the kingdoms.

It is said that during this time the gods would show preference towards the children that resonate with them. It is an indication of their occupation later in life. This preference is usually revealed within the year. Talkative children were often favored by the storytelling god or tinkering being a calling from the goddess of innovation or the god of craftsmanship.

However, there were a few odd cases every now and then. Children that presented no outstanding behaviors or qualities that presented to a specific god. These phenomenons were referred to as unfavored. Unfavoreds spent most of their lives bouncing between jobs, picking up many skills. Yet, rarely did they settle on one to master. No one wanted to hire an Unfavored longterm. This made it incredibly difficult to earn wages and support their families. When it was brought to the attention of the powers that be, they turned a blind eye.

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