Chapter 2: Meeting The Omatikaya Clan

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"After last night's encounter with Neytiri Te Tskaha Moat'ite, at first Neytiri was skeptical of Joshua the soldier defector from the RDA she didn't trust him at first but she felt this human was telling the truth and wanted to choose the path of Eywa.. and after encountering two " Thanators or Palulukans as the Na'vi call them today, it was a very intense moment as the female chased away the male...and unexpectedly the female showed no signs of aggression towards Joshua and Neytiri. At first Joshua was terrified with the large female palulukan approaching him.. it communicated to him by letting out deep grumbles an low growls.. never has Neytiri seen a palulukan be intelligent or docile to her or Joshua. But suddenly seeds of the sacred tree descend an touch the human soldier, sensing him...feeling him...and was curious of him. The tree spirits spoke to him seeing that he is different from the other sky people an that he has chosen the path of Eywa and with Eywa's blessing the great mother gifted Joshua the female palulukan a rare species to be seen by the Na'vi especially the Omatikaya as it is very rare to see a female due to their solitary nature especially females, only the most experienced Omatikaya can tame a palulukan but for a human even without the Na'vi form of Tsaheylu, Joshua shares a unique connection with the palulukan. But today as Neytiri and Joshua along with their new companion, Joshua is about to meet the clan and the clan leaders."

"As Neytiri and Joshua along with their new and powerful companion they continue making their way through the forests of Pandora and speak to each other to pass the time"

Joshua: So Neytiri.. when we get to your clan.. your mother an father, who are their names and what about your brother, what's his name?

Neytiri: My father Eytukan is the Olo'Eyktan of the Omatikaya clan and my mother Mo'at is Tsahik and spiritual leader of the clan, and my brother is Tsu'tey he is the next Olo'Eyktan to lead the clan.. he is a fierce an deadly warrior who strongly respects our customs, beliefs and our way of life which is what you'll be doing when I teach you our ways...your new to it all but fear not, I will guide you on your journey to become one of us

Joshua: I promise to prove my worth to the clan

Neytiri: "Smiles softly" I have no doubt you will Joshua.. you've already gained the great mothers blessing and have been bestowed a powerful palulukan companion by your side.. I have faith that you will earn my clans trust and respect "Speaks in a stern voice" but my clans trust will not be easily accepted.. you must earn it.. only then will you have gained our trust.. you've already gained mine from what I've seen "Smiles softly once more" but do not worry...I will help you

Joshua: Thank you Neytiri

Neytiri: "Smiles" Your welcome Joshua.. I know it'll be challenging but I know you'll do me proud, and I'm sure you'll win the hearts of my clan and help us defend Eywa and us from your people

Joshua: And I'll do just that "I smiled"

"Neytiri smiles"

Neytiri: Now the rite of passage will not be easy, you must first learn how to wield Na'vi weapons.. bows an arrows, double blades, daggers and spears, those are the traditional weapons we Omatikaya use to hunt and will be hunting, bonding with an Ikran even though you do not have Tsaheylu like we do, you have already formed your own Tsaheylu with our friend here.. you have a unique gift bestowed upon by Eywa.. I have no doubts you'll be able to bond with more of the great mothers creations

Joshua: Kind of like a beast master or something?

Neytiri: "Chuckles" Yes.. a beast master

Joshua: Heh.. I like the sound of that

Neytiri: Don't get ahead of yourself now "Gives a sly smile" you still have a great deal to learn my friend, you'll also need to learn our language in order to speak like us

Joshua: I take it's not an easy thing

Neytiri: No it is not, it is a very complex language you'll need to learn, and since we're walking together with our friend here, I can teach you a word or two

Joshua: R-really?

Neytiri: Mm hm.. we'll start with this one and it's very easy, now I will say I see you in English.. but in Na'vi we say Ole Ngati Kameie  now say it just like how I said it

Joshua: O-oel ngati kameie

Neytiri: "Smiles" It can be daunting to say our words but you'll improve overtime so don't worry about making mistakes, it's all part of learning our ways.. and I have no doubt you'll get it

Joshua: Thank you Neytiri

Neytiri: Of course, now this one is extremely easy, say Tsmukan

Joshua: Tsmukan

Neytiri: Very good, and do you know what that word means

Joshua: No I do not

Neytiri: Tsmukan in Na'vi means friend, so "Speaks Tsmukan in Na'vi" is how I call you friend.. now this is another easy one, this one is called Txsansta

Joshua: What does that one mean?

Neytiri: In Na'vi it means thank you, now say Txsansta

Joshua: Txsansta

Neytiri: Excellent, now I am going to have you say two sentences in Na'vi ok

Joshua: Ok

Neytiri: Now I want you to say thank you friend in Na'vi ok

Joshua: "Speaks Na'vi" Txsansta Tsmukan

Neytiri: "Smiles warmly" Very good my friend, your slowly getting it, now say I see you friend in Na'vi ok

Joshua: Ok "Speaks Na'vi" Oel Ngati kameie Tsmukan

Neytiri: "Smiles" Well done, you got those down quickly.. better then most sky people we tried to teach, just keep practicing and you'll be speaking like us

Joshua: Txsantsa Tsmukan

"Neytiri smiles"

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