Jason's Worst Nightmare

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You're startled awake by a loud scream from Jason.

"Hey, you ok?" You ask, massaging his back. He nods then starts to lay back down, when you notice a tear on his cheek in the moonlight.

You hug him, and he melts into you.

"I-I had a nightmare..." He whimpers. You look at him and sigh, "It's ok, baby." He pouts then cuddles with you.

The next night, you're awoken again to a scream from Jason. "Again?" You ask. He nods, then opens his arms for a hug. You whisper in his ear, "What was it about?" He shivers for a moment.

"I lost you to my own wrath...I was so angry...I-I killed you..."

He sobs, so you sigh and give a smile. "I'm here now, so that doesn't matter."

He nods, then goes back to sleep.

Slashers/Creepypasta x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now