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Sup! First new book in a while, my writing styles changed as well(I think). I've had this idea in my head for a  while now, so thank god its getting out of there.

Brief explain:
The reincarnate thing isn't very common, most people don't have a reincarnate soul, but there's no discrimination or anything. Your soul would kinda just hover around your shoulder, but be attached to you from your back (like venom), and is kinda translucent.

The soulmate thing is a little more far fetched, but it's for drama purposes. You have a small mark on your wrist, and it'll progressively get more and more different the longer you spend with your soulmate, until it just changes colour. This makes it more difficult, and gives a reason how Alex didn't know thomas was his soul mate b4 he died. You also go into extreme (emotional) pain when your soulmate dies :l

I don't own Hamilton, all credits to Lin-Manuel Miranda (I stg if he reads any of these). Also, the main 2 og characters are based on Archie and Kenric from "In Another Era". It's a wattpad og, pls go read it. It's so good.

So that should be it for now, updates are coming soon! Curse warning first off, other triggers will be mentioned in specific chapters.

Cover is not mine!


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