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(Okey ignore the title font that was an accident)
TW: death and suicide, more death.

(he aims his pistol at the sky!)



Hamilton falls to the ground, the life leaving his eyes in an instant.


"I regret to inform you that Alexander Hamilton has been shot on a duel against Aaron Burr. We're sorry for your loss." The man in the suit's voice was monotone, uncaring. He probably had to do this every day, and didn't give two shits about their feelings.

"Oh.. I-... Thank you for telling me.. " Jefferson closed the door.

Before he knew it, Thomas was on the floor. Sobbing, crying he didn't know. He may even have been laughing. The only sign of his devastation were his scream echoing in his ears. He didn't even know why he felt this bad. He didn't know Hamilton that well, heck, he hated him. So why was he filled with mourning when he heard that? He... didn't know.


Jefferson fiddled with the gun in his hands. Madison was dead, Washington was dead, Alexander was dead, his wife had left him and taken his kids, turning them against him in spite. He had nothing left to live for. He took a deep breath, glancing one last time at the note he left for anyone who may find him, and pulled the trigger.


"Elijah! Wake up!"

A harsh shake of his bed immediately roused Elijah, the other kids in the orphanage's giggles breaking through the surroundings as he fell off his bed. (Yes, this is gonna be some sweet angst :3)

"Ugh, what is it with you all and waking me up like that?" He groaned as the small children dragged him towards the dining room.

Adriel smirked at him as he ate. They were about the same age, and Adriel's choosing ceremony was later in the day, but the kids treated Adriel a lot better than Elijah, much to his annoyance. Nonetheless, they were inseparable.

"Hurry up Elijah, your foods getting cold! You need to eat before you get your reincarnate soul!" Amara chided as she set the table, the children rushing towards the table.

"Yeah, yeah. There isn't even a chance I'll get one. Only one person gets it in each session, there's like 20 people!" He said, fully awake as he picked at his food.

"Now, now! Don't be like that! I'm sure you'll at least be considered."

"If you say so. Bye ma'am! See you, Adriel!" Elijah huffed before walking out the door.

"Bye Elijah! How many times must I tell you to call me Amara?" She called after him as he walked to the nearby building, Adriel waving back at him as he walked.

As Elijah stood in the line of other 12 year olds just like him, the conductor walked down the line, looking at there personal details on a clip board, flipping through it as he passes down the line. It felt kinda of unsettling to Elijah, having his details and personality described in words and numbers on a sheet of paper.

As the conductor walked by Elijah, he raised a quick eyebrow at him before continuing to walk. (judgy bitch) That was the only indication of emotion he had shown any of the candidates. Elijah felt somewhat honoured yet awkward at the other candidates side-eyes.

He walked home, kicking the small pebbles in his way to mildly entertain him. The results would get to him in about a couple days, maybe a week.


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