𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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(Okay I'mma keep the title fonts like that I like it :4)

"Mr Thompson!"
"Mr Thompson, over here please!"

Elijah ran through the streets, trying his best to escape the paparazzi. What he hated most, was that they were chasing him at night. He knew the constant screaming and flashing would wake some of his neighbors. He loved them with all his heart, and no matter how much they denied it bothering them, he could see the lack of sleep wearing down on the old couple ever since the paparazzi bothered him day and night since they released that new movie with him.

He sighed, barely out of breath. Movie training was strenuous, and he'd been doing this for years. He darted into an alleyway, hoping to lose them. The continuing sounds of more screams and flashing cameras quickly dashed that hope. He spotted a small hole-in-the-wall bakery, sprinting inside without reading the sign. (That's how you know dramas boutta happen ;)

He pressed himself as close to the wall as he could, holding his breath. As he hears the stampede of reporters pass the bakery, he lets himself sigh. He takes off his jacket, Alexander nearly zipping off his back.

"My god, Elijah. How long did it take for you to lose them this time? God, that was so cramped." He said, cracking his back. "yeah yeah, shut up old man. You better be glad I haven't told people about you yet, you don't even know how annoying it is." 
"Pfft, yeah right. It was fun to be a fanboy to General Washington back in the day."
"Ugh, you as a fanboy? Sounds horrendous.."
Elijah scoffed at that, tying his leather jacket around his waist, adjusting his half-up hair.

"Eli- Mr Thompson?" An unknown voice called. Elijah felt his blood run cold.

Yayy, first chapter finally done :3 I'm very happy with this for once. I kinda envisioned Elijah looking like young Charles Xavier's actor, or Orlando Bloom. Take your pick :l As for young Elijah, idk :l Sorry it's so short. See you in the next one! ❤

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