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Thank you so much for your support i really appreciate it thank you Kitty btsArmy392902 sarangeyo 💜..

She knock on his door while gripping her sleeves tightly
Come in he replied
She entered the office and look at him with cold eyes
Don't you have manners miss min ,that's how you greet your boss
She again look at him ,I good afternoon mr kim
When will you complete your design it's been two weeks ,and you were enjoying at home without giving any leave he said with same cold voice
Wh ..what enjoying I....I am sorry  I was sick
Sorry miss min,this sorry will compensate for my loss
I am so...sorry mr Kim I will complete soon
Tommorow at my desk
Wh...what tommorow
Leave and tell my secretary to bring me coffee
She look at him again ,you are so heartless you don't have any regret I hate you she was thinking in her mind
Do I need to give to invitation to leave huh miss min
I sorry I am going she bowed to  him
She came out of the office she has tears in her eyes ,why you always hurt me now you are hurting both of us ,she wipe her tears and goes to his secretary
Mr Kim ask for coffee she said to her
Okay thanks she said
She came to her office
What happened what did he said
He said to complete my project and give him tommorow
What the fuck tommorow why how can you complete and you are also not well
I also don't know,what to do but  I am going to complete it as soon as possible
Hana stood up and where about to go when kesh asked her,Where are you going
Umm my few belongings are in his office I forgot to take them ,I will come in a minute
Okay be careful you want me to come with you kesh asked
Ahh no no I will take it and come back then we will lunch together with jazz she said and headed to his office
She knock on the door then she hear a loud groan , suddenly tear slip from his eyes
What's happening to me I hate him isn't ,whats with that tear she asked to herself
She was about to go she hear click sound of door
She look at the person it was the same girl
Ohh hii miss ex she said
Hana didn't said anything, she knows she is a bitch
Didn't I told you jaekyung is mine see now ,we both are together and poor you she smirked
Look mam I don't know what are you talking about Hana said
Eun-ji my name kim Eun-ji
Whatever your name is mam I don't care please leave my way I have lot of work she said while ignoring her
Shut up you bitch  how dare you ignored me huh
I didn't said anything you are one who is on my way miss whatever she said sassily
Suddenly a girl came and held her hands , mam let's go your dad is waiting for you
This time I am leaving you next time be careful she smirked
Yeah In your dreams Hana replied sassily
You I will ki... girl dragged her mam please he is waiting
What's with the sudden behaviour I didn't said anything to her ,ashh leave Hana it's already 3 I have to complete alot
She again knock on his door
Come in he said ,he look at hana ,
what are you doing here
I ...I she smell something weird ..My f...file is here she put her hands on her nose
She pick her file
This smell kill me aghhh ..I feel like throwing up
This is not your file miss min the next one is yours he look at her
She put that file back and was about to pick her file few books fell down
She sat down and started picking up the books. While cursing herself
Ughhh what's that weird smell she said loudly
He look at her suddenly she put her hands on her mouth and ran from there
She came to restroom and throw up
Aghhh I feel weird ,where is my phone she look for her phone ,don't say I leave it in his office ahh I am doomed
She washed her face and again go to his office
Her face was looking pale she again knock
No need to knock come inside
She came ...i forgot the file and my phone
He didn't said anything and look at her laptop
Where the hell is file ,Ahh this one
She pick the file and her phone while putting her hands on her mouth
Aghh,I will die if I live a minute more here ,she bowed to him and came out and ran again to restroom
She cleaned herself and came to her office room
She started the work while kesh was working with Ray and jazz was in her department
It was evening kesh and jazz came
Let's go home both said
I can't I have lot of work
Let's do this in home
I can't I will directly work on office laptop so it will become easy for me
Ahhh okay okay both sat on thier chair
Go home why you both sat down
No we will go together kesh said
Ashhh no I will go home tommorow it's too much
We will help you both said  and also we are worried about baby not for you isn't kesh said teasingly
Hana pouted ,Ashh dont be a kid go home
Shut up kesh glared at her ,I will do the parking lot side jazz you do the front designing
And you kook do the interior we will complete soon
Trio agreed and start the work
It was eight at night ,
I will bring ,dinner for you ,
Please bring me noodles Hana said
It's not good for you I will bring what's healthyfor you
But I am craving for it please Hana said
Ahh okay stop this puppy eyes I will bring noodles for all of us she said and goes to cafeteria area
She was making instant noodles suddenly she feels hands around her waist she flich
What the fuck she turn around and saw Ray was hugging her like a baby
Make one for me Princess Ray said with his deep voice
Kesh felt shivers ,You have hands made it yourself I am not your slave sassily
Yeah baby girl but you are soon to be my wife isn't ..
Shut up and leave me someone might see us
No one is here please let me live like this for a minute I am tired love
Ashhh whatever she said and make noodles
Leave me it's been five minutes you are hugging me and sniffing me like a
Like what she made her look at him her back was touching the counter
Huh tell me like what
A dog she said and rolled her eyes
Fuck don't do this you turn me on whenever you rolled your eyes
Shut up and leave me Hana and jazz are waiting for me
He lean and kiss on her neck take care love he wispered
Ashh this brat I hate you she shouted while running towards her office
Yeah love you too beautiful she replied while laughing hard at kesh childness

(A/N:Sorry for the late update I was little busy ,love you all ,thanks for supporting me
Apabangpo 💜,take care lovelies
Bye bye kitties enjoy the chapter

🌚🌚..did you see Taehyung pictures hehe ... perverts I know you already saw it my heart skip a beat when I saw him and also jiminaa pictures
Did you watch and listen jimin's song it's really nice go and watch it

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Ashh tae 😁😁

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