12: Secret Affair

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The hope that I am holding unto since that fateful day we're married, that maybe one day he will learn to love me back, has slowly withered under the weight of a month's worth of disappointments. Even with everything that I have done for him in that one month, nothing had changed between Dwayne and me. I couldn’t tell if he was numb to my efforts or just hiding his appreciation with his hatred towards me. But one thing is for sure, no matter what I did, it seemed to have no effect on him.

Every day, I cooked for him, cleaned his car, and washed and ironed his clothes. Yet, he remained cold. He never ate at home, coming back only to sleep and leaving for work first thing in the morning.

The only notable change was that he wasn’t drinking as much.

Sometimes, I felt like going back to our hometown, but I was too ashamed to do so. What would people say? They say that the opinion of others doesn't matter, but in reality it does. My parents were so proud that I married the eldest son of Vice Mayor Estrio and Congressman Estrio. I didn’t want them to worry about how Dwayne treated me.

I don't want them to think that I've been mistreated. Anyway, my husband never hurt me physically. But when talking about the emotional aspect, it would be in another case as I was in constant pain due to Dwayne's actions.

Just the other day, he threw 5,000 pesos in front of me saying “That's for the electricity and water bills, and for buying ‘your’ food,” with his usual cold and angry tune. What's worse, he even emphasized the word 'you'. That really hurts my pride.

I know it stung because it was true as he was right, I was the only one eating the food I cooked.

I didn’t want to pick up the money that time, but I needed it. So, since swallowing my pride had become routine for me, I did it once again and pick the scattered One Thousand Peso Bills in the floor.

It was humiliating, yes, I know. But if I'll let my pride win, what would I eat? How could I pay the bills?

“Shane! Where are you going?” Daniela’s voice stopped me as I was walking outside our classroom, my classes has just ended so I want to go home now. I was about to go towards the tricycle stand outside the our school campus when she called.

“I am going home. I still need to cook for dinner,” turning towards her direction, I replied.

“Aren’t you going to Gab’s place?” she asked, pulling up on her motorbike near me.

“Why? What’s up there?” I asked.

“It’s his birthday, silly. Did you forget? He’ll be upset if you don’t come,” she answered glaring at me.

“Oh no, I completely forgot! How could I forget Gab’s birthday?” I exclaimed, suddenly remembering the date. I’d never missed his birthday since we became close.

“Stop thinking about my brother. He’s not worth it,” Daniela mouthed rolling her eyes.

Lately, I was confused by her sudden change. She used to tease me about Dwayne, and now she was discouraging me. But it was too late; I was already in love with her brother. Deeply in love, and worse, we're already married now.

“Come on, let’s go,” she urged signaling me to ride in her motorbike.

“I need to change first. I’m all sweaty from our long quiz,” I answered slowly walking towards her.

“Fine, I’ll come with you. So we can go together,” she decided.

I hopped on her motorbike, and we headed to our house. Once there, I quickly took a shower and changed into my simple fitted jeans and a blouse. After putting on some lipstick and powder, I was ready to go.

“I thought I would be waiting down here forever. Come on, we’ll be late,” Daniela complained as I came down the stairs.

“Oh, shut up! Aren’t you changing?” I asked her.

“Why would I? Even if I wore golds and diamonds, Gab's eyes would still be glued in you,” she said with a wry laugh.

I just rolled my eyes in response. I guess we were best friends because we both had unrequited loves. We were in the same boat of hopeless romantics.

“Kidding aside, I already changed at home earlier. I just came to pick you up from our campus. Good thing I did, or you would’ve forgotten my future husband's big day,” she said, getting ready to leave. It was only a little past five, but she was anxious about being late.

After locking the front door and gate, Daniela handed me the helmet we used earlier. She started the motorbike, and we slowly made our way to Gab’s house, located in another subdivision.

We arrived just before six. Gab greeted us warmly and led us to the dining area in the back of their mansion, designed for such occasions. Gab's family was wealthy, hence explained his friendship with Dwayne.

Despite feeling out of place, we were welcomed by Gab’s parents and siblings. His mom even greeted us with a kiss on the cheek.

“You two look beautiful as always. No matter what you wear, your beauty shines through,” Gab’s mom complimented us, making Daniela and me blush.

After the pleasantries, Gab’s mom escorted us to our friends’ table where Jon, Darrel, and Megan were seated.

Dwayne wasn’t there, probably because things weren’t smooth between him and Gab. Kyla was absent too since she wasn’t a friend of Gab’s.

Dinner started at seven, delayed by long wait for some important guests and a short program.

“Shane, where’s Dwayne?” Megan asked innocently as she leaned over me.

Darrel immediately elbowed her, making Megan blink in confusion.

It is said that among a group of friends, there’s always this one person who’s a bit out of the loop and slow. And in our case, that was Megan.

“He hasn’t come home yet. Who knows where he is,” Daniela answered for me.

I smiled at my bestie for saving me as I don't know what to answer. I figured he was with Kyla at the moment. They were always together anyway. But there was nothing I could do; Dwayne loved Kyla. I had to let them be. If they didn’t break up, then I’d just have to get used with our set up.

After dinner, Gab handed out drinks. He couldn’t join us much, busy as he was entertaining the guests.

Around nine, with enough alcohol intake, I felt the need to use the restroom. Jon stood up at the same time, so he accompanied me to the CR. After which, he headed somewhere. I didn’t ask where he was going, as I was in a hurry.

After finishing, I quickly left the restroom to avoid holding anyone up. As I was heading back to our table, I saw a familiar figure in the shadows against the wall of Gab’s house. Curiosity piqued, I crept closer, peeking from behind a garden pillar.

But my eyes widened in shock at the sight of Jon and Kyla kissing.

Like what the hell is going on?

How could they?

It would have been fine if I didn’t know them, but I did. My hands trembled as I pulled out my phone. I needed this as evidence. Dwayne would want to see this.

This smelled like a breakup.



This could be a mess.

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