Am i pregnant ?

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Two weeks later I got ready for my college graduation by me doing classes in school to help me get ready for reporting I only had to do five months thank god. But lately I been feeling sick I don't know why ? My brothers keep saying I'm pregnant and Mya keep touching my tummy saying I'm going to be a good mother. I am getting thicker and All that's true but I love my body and all that but my career just about to kick off an a few months or weeks and I have to be prepared. All of a sudden I threw up, Chris can towards me and said I have to go to the doctor graduation start at five so I'm just going to go while its morning time. Tiffany watch the kids for me while me and Chris went to the hospital and guess fucking what I'm having a baby. It's crazy because I just graduated from high school and now I'm graduating from college but it's a community college but I'm still doing something I always wanted to do and I'm bouta be a mother. You can't say God not good he did a lot for my brothers and sister and I. But I guess it's my turn to be happy. Chris is happy but this morning sickness is killing me I just want get in the bed before it time to leave. We walked in the house everybody was looking at me and Chris well Tiffany and Cj , ken looks like yall going to be some god parents and Shawn and Jay and Mya gonna be some aunts and uncles. YAy they all came and hugged me I felt so much love alright yall lets Tiffany get some sleep. Alright I'll see yall later. Chris I need to talk to you . Ight bro let me make sure Tiffany made it to the bed. I walked up stairs and looked at Tiffany in the bathroom crying. What's wrong baby ? Everything ! Shh shh shh what's wrong ? What's if you leave me with you in the gang ? I don't want nothing to happy to I don't want my kids to grow up with out a father Bae I don't ! I lost my dad I can't lose another person that mean the world to me. I know baby girl I love you so much Ima get out the gang before you even have the baby I promise if that's what I gottah do to make you happy you got that. She good son ? Yea she just have mood swings I have to get out this gang shit man she really losing it. That's what I was trying to tell you but yea do that Im going to hold it down for you. Yea but I want go again for the hell of it I need money i want to go somewhere that I know I'm not going to have to struggle no more and we can rob and come back here and live it up, like where and who you taking . I'm taking all the guys I need money before I get out this shit I got you Im going to tell everybody. What Tiffany said really got to me I didn't know her daddy died Ima always be there for her and her siblings no matter what she my women. It's was four and I'm ready to graduate I couldn't drink so I just was ready to go . We arrived at the place the graduation was held , we laughed and cried because our moment was almost there. They started calling names and my name was the last name they called I cried I was so proud of my self.

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