𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 ; 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐲/𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏.

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"hit a nigga, kill a nigga, will come back. see a sucker, stretch a sucker guard your naps."

movie: juice, 1992

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movie: juice, 1992.

readers name: clementine.

it's 1992, and you and your little friend group decided too plan a robbery. just too rop some spanish man who owned a corner store. yall were set, a gun, mask, gloves...what could go wrong?



the 5 teens walked out the big place, putting their mask and gloves on. bishop lead the group down the ramp. steel paused for a second, throwing his mask onto the floor too catch his breath. "man, should we really do this?" he questioned.

bishop turned around, pulling his mask up too his forehead. he grabbed steel's collar, getting into his face. "you not gon punk out on us. we all crew. fuck it, if i go down, we all go fucking down. i mean that shit."

clementine put her arm around bishops shoulder, a nervous smile on her face. "yo chill. listen, lets go into that damn store and get some money and leave. now lets fuckin' go." she said, pulling him off steel.

bishop scoffed then picked up steel's mask and threw it too him. "put that shit on, nigga." soon they started walking down. "wait." raheem mumbled, putting his arm out infront of them. the police car did a sharp turn, and with that they ran into the store.

quiles leaned onto the counter, eating a piece of bread. he heard the bell ring, but didn't look up. "were closed man! no customers that's it." he explained.

then he looked up, a gun pointed in his face. "yo turn yo bitchass around, hands up!" bishop yelled. raheem, steel, quincy, and clementine ran into the store. raheem walked around and into the counter, grabbing all the money out the cash register. quincy monitored the door, steel stayed at the back off the store, guarding the back door. clementine crossed her arms, leaning onto another door.

"please don't shoot me, your not gonna shoot me are you? please!" the old man begged. "nigga shut up!" bishop yelled, getting annoyed. "yo raheem get that shit and lets go!" clementine stomped her foot. "ay don't fuckin rush me! im ready lets go!" raheem snagged the money into his pocket, running too the door. bishop sneakily grabbed quiles gun, tucking it in his waistband.

steel and clem ran by quincy, waiting for bishop. "lets go!" raheem continued too yell.

bishop stood there, his gun pointed too the old man. his finger slowly pulled back on the trigger...


quiles was shot. blood spewed from his head, going up into the air and down onto his back. he dropped too the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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