Chapter 7

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The sun cast a golden glow over Auradon as Evie, Jay, and CJ returned to the castle, their expressions grave and their minds filled with the implications of what they had discovered on the Isle of the Lost. They were greeted by Mal, Ben, and Aurora, who had been anxiously awaiting their return.

"What did you find?" Mal asked, her eyes scanning their faces for answers.

Jay stepped forward, his voice steady despite the weight of their discovery. "The darklings are being summoned by a powerful magic circle. Someone is channeling dark magic into the Isle, creating a new threat."

Evie nodded, her expression serious. "We disrupted the circle, but whoever is behind this is still out there. They're using the power vacuum left by the Horn King's defeat to their advantage."

Ben's jaw tightened with determination. "Then we need to find out who's behind this and stop them before they can cause more damage."

CJ, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "There's more. The Horn King's defeat has left the balance of power in disarray. Dark forces are rallying, and if we don't act quickly, Auradon could be overwhelmed."

Mal took a deep breath, her mind racing with possibilities. "We need more information. Evie, gather the best magical scholars and see if they can identify who might have the knowledge and power to create such a circle. Jay, increase patrols around Auradon and the Isle. We need eyes everywhere."

Aurora added, "I'll reach out to our allies and inform them of the situation. They need to be prepared for any spillover of dark magic."


The following days were a blur of activity as Auradon mobilized in response to the new threat. In the castle library, Evie and a team of scholars worked tirelessly, poring over ancient texts and magical tomes in search of clues. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the hum of magical energy.

"Look at this," one of the scholars exclaimed, pointing to a page in an ancient grimoire. "This symbol matches the runes we saw in the summoning circle."

Evie leaned in, her eyes widening with realization. "These are the markings of Morgana, an ancient sorceress known for her mastery of dark magic. If she's involved, we're dealing with a power far beyond anything we've faced before."

The room fell silent as the weight of Evie's words sank in. Morgana was a name spoken in hushed whispers, her legend one of dark deeds and formidable power.

"We need to prepare for the worst," Evie said, her voice resolute. "Morgana's return could spell disaster for Auradon."


Meanwhile, Jay led increased patrols around Auradon, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of dark activity. The atmosphere was tense, every shadow and whisper of wind putting the guards on edge.

One evening, as Jay's patrol approached the forest bordering Auradon, they encountered a group of shadowy figures. Drawing his dagger, Jay stepped forward cautiously.

"Identify yourselves," Jay demanded, his voice firm.

The figures stepped into the light, revealing themselves to be a mix of familiar faces and new allies. Leading them was Uma, her expression serious.

"We're here to help," Uma said, raising her hands in a gesture of peace. "Word of the dark magic spreading has reached us. We can't stand by and let Auradon fall."

Jay lowered his dagger, his eyes narrowing. "Why the sudden change of heart, Uma?"

Uma's expression softened. "Because we have a common enemy now. Morgana's magic threatens us all, and we need to stand together to stop her."

Jay nodded slowly, extending a hand. "Alright, but we'll be watching you. Any sign of betrayal, and you'll answer to me."

Uma shook Jay's hand firmly. "Understood. Let's put aside our differences and fight for Auradon."


Back at the castle, Mal and Ben were informed of Uma's arrival and the new alliance forming against Morgana. Mal's expression was one of cautious optimism.

"We'll need all the help we can get," Mal admitted. "If Morgana truly is behind this, we're facing a threat unlike any before."

Ben placed a reassuring hand on Mal's shoulder. "We'll face it together, just like always. Auradon stands united."

As the days turned into weeks, Auradon's defenses grew stronger, bolstered by new alliances and the tireless efforts of its inhabitants. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation of the coming battle.


One night, as Mal stood on the castle balcony, looking out over the peaceful kingdom, a shadowy figure appeared beside her. She turned to see CJ, her expression unreadable.

"What is it, CJ?" Mal asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

CJ hesitated before speaking, her voice soft. "I have a way to find Morgana. A spell that can trace her magic back to its source. But it's risky."

Mal's eyes narrowed. "Why tell me this now?"

CJ met her gaze, determination shining in her eyes. "Because if we're going to stop Morgana, we need to take every chance we can get. Even if it means risking everything."

Mal nodded slowly, a plan forming in her mind. "Then let's do it. We'll gather the others and prepare for whatever comes next."

As the night deepened, Mal and her allies readied themselves for the next phase of their battle against the darkness. The whispers of Morgana's magic grew louder, a haunting reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Together, they would face the shadows and protect Auradon from the looming threat, their resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

Descendants: Secrets Uncovered Book 3: Isle of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now