A letter from your love - Mercury

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It always was a gorgeous home. Lots of bedrooms, a nice kitchen, lovely sitting room, nice big windows, grand staircase. Perfect for a family consisting of two lovers and their nine cats. Perfect for children of course not our own but the boys children, we never got round to having kids... it would have been nice though. As soon as we lay our eyes on Garden Lodge we knew it was going to be our forever home. It was his forever home... but I can't stay here much longer, the memories attached are too painful.

Our first Christmas in this house cuddled up cosy on the overly extravagant sofa exchanging gifts. Our baking competitions to see who could bake the best cookies. Our Queen Christmas dinners and gift exchange... Now all I see is the darkness. The picture he purchased but never had the change to see. The seat where he sat me down and told me... told me the news. The television that played the news report announcing his death. The bed he died in. The bed I lost the love of my life in.

"(Y/n)...? You have a visitor" Phoebe told me. Phoebe... he always gave the men women's names as a nickname. But I was always "L'amour de ma vie" or "lovie" or my personal favourite "(y/nn)"

I didn't even need to look up to realise who the guest was, "hello Brian"
Brian was always like a big brother to me, a shoulder to cry on. But I've pushed him away recently, I've pushed everyone away.

I could see in the reflection of the window that he was holding a small purple envelope with "(y/nn)" written in Freddie's handwriting on the front of it, "I don't want it bri"

He looked at me for a second, as if I was a broken china plate which no amount of super glue could fix, "please..."

I open the curtains letting the sunlight flood the room making my skin look pale and weak. I lean against the large window and sigh letting my skin absorb the sun's vitamins that I had been lacking.

"You feel that?" I giggle to myself coldly, " sunshine...warmth... comfort. Suprise my skin isn't burning like a vampire I've been inside the dark for so long."Brian sat and listened carefully as I started talking again. "I can always hear it though...outside the people laughing, people moving from A to B without a care in the world not realising the last thing they said to someone may be the last time they will talk to them" I take a deep breath and let out a small sad laugh, "I'm not making no sense am I?"

"No I get it, you miss him. We all do but he was your husband. You didn't know he was going to die that night, no one did. He was too young to die, he had so much more to experience with us, with you.... you make perfect sence" Brian told me trying to fight back tears

"...only the good die young" I murmure u see my breath

"Amen to that (y/n)" Bri replied as he handed me the envelope.

Without thinking I took the envelope and opened it, revealing a small letter. He had gorgeous handwriting, I was always jealous of that. Among many other things he was amazing and perfect at. I had always loved his handwriting and I still do.

"My dearest (y/n),
hello my love, how are you doing? Probably not a good question to ask, if I know you - which I do- you're drowning in depression, hiding yourself away from the world. Hiding that gorgeous face of yours. I may be gone, but think of that as a positive, as hard as that may be. Just think I'm no longer in pain anymore, I'm finally at peace. And I want you to be happy! Go find someone to love. Someone who treats you like a princess. Get a nice house, I've got a feeling you won't be staying in garden lodge. Start a family if you want to as well, you always wanted to be a parent. And I know leaving home isn't easy, but you are the strongest person I know. I just want you to be happy, and when you're ready I'll be waiting for you up here with a lovely up of tea. Go live your life, have fun, be reckless, have a family, move abroad. Just love your life, if not for you then do it for me. I love you forever and always.
Lots of love, your Mr. Mercury Xx

P.s. Tell the cats I love them Xxxxxxxx"

He was the love of my life, and he was mine. Freddie mercury will always have a very special place in my heart. I'll miss him forever. Not a day will go bye where I won't think of him, and hopefully soon...I'll see him again. I'd give anything just to tell him I loved him one more time.

The end

Freddie Mercury was born September 5th 1946 and died November 24th 1991 due to bronchial pneumonia at his home in Kensington. He died beside his "husband" Jim Hutton. May he rest in peace and May he live forever in all of his fans and music.

Sorry to end and start on a depressing note, but let me know what you think is it any good? I take recommendations :). Stay safe Xx

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