"Say that again">:( -May

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"Hello boys" I say as I walk into the studio and sit down on the small burnt orange sofa.
"Hi (y/n)" Roger, john and freddie say in unison.
I look arround the room as I attempt to spot my curly haired guitarist of a boyfriend, untill I feel a pair or long lanky arms wrapped around my waist
"Hello love" Brian said from beside me.

This past week has been abit hectic, I hadn't been very well and the boys had been recording so I've spent a lot of time alone sat with my thoughts to entertain me. And that wasn't so fun, constant overthinking and stressing then stressing over stressing. So me and bri sorted things out. Got a doctor's appointment to prove that Brian was right and I am in fact being over dramatic and I'm not dying.  So we're in a good place now, and we know what's happening in life. Everyone's happy. Only I haven't told bri what I found out at the doctors yet, I think I'm going to do it soon though he deserves to know.

"Everything alright lovie?" Freddie asked from across the room as he was fixing his hair

"I'm all good thanks Fred, bri could I talk to you outside for a minute..."
Brian flashed me a small confused look as we got up and stood outside, the breeze from a nearbye open window proving to be refreshing and calming.

I took a deep breath before starting, "we're happy right? We're in a good place? We're okay?"

"Yes we're alright? Why?" Brian looked more confused than before, slightly worried

"hypothetically, let's say we add a child to the mix... would we still be okay?" I ask nervously

Brian have me a knowing exited smile, "hypothetically, yes we would be okay. Would this hypothetical child be mine?

"Yes" I said as I saw him get more and more exited my the passing second.
Without warning he lifted me up into the air and spun me around covering me in small affectionate kisses, "I love you so much, fuck... were gunna have a kid"

I smiled excitedly and nodded as we walked back into the studio. I couldn't be happier, the fact he took the news well made me so happy and excited. I couldn't have asked for a better farther to my child. He's going to be the best dad a kid could ask for. He's going to teach them many life lessons, and be there when they get hurt physically or emotionally.

My thoughts were soon cut short when deacy screamed at Roger from across the room, "say that again..."

"Cheese. On. Toast. Tastes. Like. Shit-" Roger started but was soon cut off my Deacy punching him in the arm, causing a small but chaotic fight.

Sorry this one is kinda bad lol, I just had an idea and wanted to write it down lol. Make sure to vote and comment :) I take recommendations. Stay safe

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