Chapter 2 - Welcome To Astra Academy

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Dylan stood before the imposing gates of Astra Academy, his admission letter clutched tightly in his hand. He knew he deserved to be here, his confidence in his abilities unwavering. But as he gazed at the grandeur of the academy, doubts crept in.

The wrought iron gates loomed over him, a stark reminder of the privilege that defined Astra Academy. His admission wasn't just a triumph; it was a foothold in a world reserved for the elite. He tightened his grip on the letter, his determination masking the nervous flutter in his chest.

"I knew I could make it here," Dylan muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and apprehension. "But staying here... that's another challenge altogether."

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the battles ahead. The academy's reputation for exclusivity was well-known—a bastion for the wealthiest families, with only a handful of spots open to students like him.

At the heart of metropolitan splendor, Astra Academy stands as a beacon of educational excellence and opportunity. Nestled within its sprawling campus, akin to a self-sufficient city, are state-of-the-art academic buildings, cutting-edge research facilities, and expansive sports arenas that rival professional stadiums. Here, beneath the shadow of towering spires and modern architecture, students not only excel academically but thrive in a culture of innovation and ambition.

Astra Academy boasts a remarkable legacy: a 100% graduation success rate that guarantees its alumni a secure future in their chosen fields. For Dylan, securing a seat in this bastion of privilege isn't just about academic achievement—it's a gateway to a guaranteed career, a testament to his hard-won place among the elite few from less privileged backgrounds.

As Dylan approached the gates of Astra Academy, he handed his ID and admission details to the guard, who scrutinized them briefly before nodding and allowing him entry.

Guard: "Welcome to Astra Academy, Mr. Wang. Enjoy your time here."

Dylan nodded gratefully and began to walk towards the entrance when a revving sound caught his attention. Turning, he saw a group of rich students in their luxurious cars, their designer clothes exuding opulence that seemed inconceivable to Dylan. One of them, adorned in attire that could feed Dylan's family for years, sneered at him as he passed.

Rich Student: "Watch where you're going, peasant."

Dylan deftly sidestepped, avoiding a collision. He maintained his composure despite the provocation, choosing not to dignify their insult with a response. However, one of the wealthy youths leaned out of his car window, his tone dripping with disdain.

Rich Student: "You think you belong here? Think again, loser."

Dylan met his gaze calmly before continuing on his way. The rich student's face contorted with anger at Dylan's lack of fear or subservience.

Rich Student (to himself): "He thinks he can just walk in here? I'll show him who rules this place."

With a determined glare, the wealthy student plotted silently, his mind already formulating a plan to put Dylan in his place.

As Dylan arrived early for the college morning assembly, he found himself with an extra half-hour to spare. The campus was quiet at this early hour, with only a few students and faculty members bustling about. Finding a bench near the parking area, Dylan settled down, his mind wandering between excitement and apprehension about the day ahead.

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