Chapter 3 - Emerging Connection

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As Dylan sat eating, he observed the students who were worlds apart from him. They laughed and chatted animatedly, their designer clothes and luxurious lifestyles on full display. He couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between their carefree existence and his own struggles.

Taking another bite of his modest meal, Dylan's mind raced with thoughts of practicality and necessity. He needed to find a cheap apartment closer to Astra Academy; the daily commute from home was too time-consuming and costly. Saving money was a priority, especially with his sister Eunseo's birthday approaching. He had to find a part-time job to save up enough to buy her a special gift.

His thoughts drifted to past birthdays, where he could only afford small, humble presents. Despite their simplicity, Eunseo's face would light up with joy, and she would proudly boast to her friends that her brother was the best in the world. The memory of her happiness warmed his heart, but it also fueled his determination to give her something truly precious this time.

After completing lunch, Dylan moved to a nearby resting area to sit and rest. As he settled down, he suddenly heard a girl screaming. Instinctively, Dylan quickly went near the source of the noise, making sure not to be noticeable but still able to hear their conversation. He saw a beautiful girl—Nayeong, though he didn't know her yet—facing off against the rich kid, Jackson.

Nayeong's beauty was striking, with delicate features and a gentle aura, though not quite as captivating as Sora's. She stood defiantly before Jackson, her eyes filled with anger and fear.

"You can't manipulate me to be your girlfriend," Nayeong said, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.

Jackson smirked, his expression smug and cruel. "Oh, but I can. I have your secret. If you don't become my girlfriend, I'll reveal it to everyone."

Nayeong's eyes widened with panic. "Why are you doing this? You don't even love me, so why?"

Jackson's smirk grew wider. "Of course, I don't love you. I want to make you my girlfriend to get close to Sora and make her jealous."

Nayeong replied defiantly, "I can't let a scumbag like you become her boyfriend."

Jackson's expression twisted with fury, and he shouted, "What did you say, bitch?" His voice echoed with anger, causing Nayeong to flinch.

As Jackson raised his hand to slap her, Dylan stepped in, his presence commanding attention. "I thought you only picked fights with the poor, but you also pick fights with women? What are you trying to prove by showing violence?"

Jackson turned, his face contorting with rage as he saw Dylan. "Who the hell are you? This is none of your business!"

Dylan remained calm, his eyes locked on Jackson. "It's everyone's business when you use threats and violence to get what you want. Back off."

Dylan thought to himself that he shouldn't be getting involved, but he couldn't let this injustice happen. He knew this would likely cause him trouble in the future, but he couldn't leave the girl alone. (If viewers ask why am I doing this? I would reply: I was simply brought up like this.)

"It's easy to use violence when you're stronger than the other," Dylan replied calmly.

As soon as Jackson heard this, he lunged at Dylan, fists swinging wildly. Dylan sidestepped Jackson's initial attack with ease, his movements fluid and precise. Jackson, enraged, swung again, but Dylan ducked, delivering a swift uppercut to Jackson's gut. Jackson staggered back, winded, but quickly recovered, charging at Dylan once more.

Dylan anticipated Jackson's move, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back in a painful lock. Jackson yelped in pain, but Dylan showed no mercy, driving his knee into Jackson's ribs. The sound of the impact echoed through the area as Jackson collapsed to the ground, clutching his side.

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