Chapter Two (Nova P.O.V)

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It took 4 days but I've finally moved in with my mother, enrolled in school, set up with a schedule and now going shopping for new clothes with my auntie before she leaves. We went crazy inside the mall and Target. My aunt insisted that I redo my room at my mother's house because it was so blah because I was never there long enough, I didn't bother making it mine. It's crazy because the last time I was at my mother's house I had a twin bed and I could have sworn it was black right along with the dresser. But four days ago, when I walked in there it was I new white queen bedroom set in there. My aunt was surprised at how big my room was at my mother's house she was shocked it was way bigger than the room at my dad's house, so when we went shopping, she went fucking nuts trying to fill up the room and make it more homely. I had to remind her that my mom did stay in an apartment and we had to carry everything on an elevator. We had been out for 6 hours shopping and were finally sitting down having dinner.

"You okay" Auntie Brandy asked as she watched me pick at my food

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired" I said

"You sure" she asked

"Yeah, are you okay" I asked

"Honestly...... I'm not" she said with a big breath

"Why, what's wrong" I asked

"I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing" she said

"Auntie I'm good, I promise you" I assured her

"Okay, well even doe you live with your mother, the same rules apply. Your allowance will go down and we will take turns visiting each other and major holidays will be spent together, I may have to work but we will still be together" she explained

"Got it" I said

         When I made it back to the apartment my aunt helped me get everything on the elevator but had to leave because she was running late for her flight. I managed to get everything in the house and into my room without being too loud where my mom would have to come out and it would be all this awkwardness, we both just stared at each other and said nothing. After I got all my stuff put up, I jumped in the shower and got ready for bed it was well past my bedtime and I was beyond tired and wanted to be well energized for tomorrow. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I heard my mom call me.

"Chink" Alexis called

"Yes" I answered lifting my head off the pillow

"Could you come here please?" Alexis asked

I got up wondering what she wanted and hoped whatever it was it would go by quickly. When I made it to her room, I saw all types of shopping bags sprawled across her room. I stood at the door and looked down at the floor and then looked her dead in the face.

"What's up" I said shyly 

"I just wanted to go over the rules of this house with you" Alexis said fidgeting with her hands

"Okay cool" I said as I sat on the floor in the midst of the bags

"Okay first, your curfew is 12 anything later and we will call your aunt about the consequences, if you know you're going to be late call me, don't text, call me, if I don't answer leave a message. Second, the bathroom, kitchen, and your laundry is yours to do. To keep bills down laundry is done on Sundays, but I expect the kitchen and bathroom done every day before you go to sleep. Third you can have company but if boys are over, keep your door open at all times. Fourth if you're staying out just let me know and I'll do the same and that goes for if someone is staying over, but no boys. Fifth you have to cook 2 days a week and every Sunday is our day to chill in the living room and watch movies." Alexis said

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