Chapter Five (Nova P.O.V)

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It's finally the weekend and I've been sitting in my room for an hour and thirty minutes trying to figure out how to tell my mom I smoke, that was the deal with me and Antwan, either I tell her myself or he will. He also took us to and from school and grounded us both for the rest of the week. I felt it would be better coming from me so that I could explain why, but I really didn't know what to expect from her I never got in trouble with her and we barely talk now we have said as much as a paragraph to each other since I've been here. I looked out the window and saw the blinds next door close, I wondered who lives there I never saw anyone go in or out of that house it was weird. Welp, it's time to put my big girl panties on. I heard Alexis moving around in the front so I knew she was up, when I walked into the living room, she was going through the front closet filled with shoes.

"What's up Chink" she said never turning to look at me

"You got a lot of damn... I mean dang shoes" I corrected myself

"I don't care that you cuss, I'm sure your daddy let you talk that way anyway" she said

"Yeah, he didn't care, but Auntie Brandy does" I said

"Really, that's shocking cause she curses like a sailor" she laughed

"You going somewhere" I asked

"Yeah, out on a date and I'm running a little late" she said still looking through the shoes

"Okay well I just need to talk to you about something Alexis I mean ma" I said fidgeting with my fingers

She turned and looked at me "Call me whatever you prefer it doesn't bother me, but go ahead and say what you got to say" she said

"Umm okay look I'm going to tell you this and before you get too mad, I want you to listen to my reason" I said

"Go on, I'm listening" she said with a friendly face

"So, I like kinda smoke weed" I said as I closed my eyes "But it's because..."

"I know you smoke Chink" she cut me off

I open my eyes "You do" I asked shocked

"Yeah, you have been living with me for a week and I don't smoke but it constantly smells like weed when I walk by your room, by the way, can you smoke on the fire escape so my house won't smell like that shit" she said

"Uhh sure. So, you're not mad" I asked

"Listen I can tell you not to smoke till I'm blue in the face but you going to still do what you want to. I personally don't like it but hey. Also just stick to weed, you too smart and pretty for the other shit as well as weed too but you know" she said hunching her shoulders "And stay away from cigarettes, this shit toxic" she laughed

I sat on the couch this went better than I expected.

"Anything else" she asked as she went back to going through the shoes

"Naw" I said

She got up and went to her phone which was ringing "Hello.... Yeah, I'm leaving the house now" she said as she slipped some shoes on

"Chink do me a favor put these back in the closet for me" she said as she open the door

"I got you ma" I said

She looked at me and smiled "See you later" she said as she left

I got up and started putting the shoes away, Alexis was really cool as hell I wonder if she was just like this because she felt bad because she didn't raise me or was that just how she was? After I put up the shoes, I decided to call my aunt and see what she's been up to I haven't talked to her all week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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