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(guys his chapter is a small chapter but the good stuff will start from chapter 3)

Pav was in his room ,sad and lonely just remembering the good old days, remembering aunty Maya, remembering Gayatri, inspector singh and the memories they had , Miguel had given miles a room as his world got destroyed ,he still dint know the reason why , cuz everyone thinks he is 'stupid' to know what happened even hobi,atleast that's what he believes .

Meanwhile miles

Miles just had the biggest conflict between him and his parents,he wants to go and explore the world while his parents are trying to be protective

He was just laying down the bad relaxing and listing to music while he saw his father leaving,he knew some dumb super villian showed up so he got ready and left

Miles:another one, seriously there are even more annoying then the flies that roam around when I m sleeping

Teleporter Timothy:behold,I am telepter Timothy and I will beat u

Miles:geez,that was dramatic as hell

TT:ur excused

Miles :bruh

TT:*shots him*

Miles:*doges easily*bruh!can u just go home and relax seems like u have anger issues

TT:arghh*shots again*

Miles:*missed by inch*geez u r good

TT:u r more annoying than i thought

Miles:that's what teachers say about me

TT:*actually shots him*

Miles SHIT*gets telepoter*

Miles:where m I?m I Outta worldddd???

Then some spider man's looked at him like he is money on ground

Miles:not again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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