𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1 - 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚

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Suddenly, icy fingers rested on my arm as I was mixing the next beat for the upcoming song. I flinched slightly and glanced down, but it was just my best friend. "Hi, Ana," she said, squeezing past me to the next chair on the DJ platform. Ana was the nickname she gave me when we were eight. My real name is Ariana, and she's the only one allowed to call me by a nickname. The club was packed, pulsating with energy. Every time I tell people that I'm a DJ in Monaco at only 19 years old, they give me a look that suggests I don't belong. They always ask why I'm even working, assuming that being Kimi Raikkonen's daughter means I shouldn't have to. But music has always been my passion, something I knew I wanted to pursue, even if it didn't impress my mother. She never supported my plans, while my father encouraged me every step of the way. I've always been closer to my dad, whereas I've always felt a strain in my relationship with my mom. The crowd danced to the rhythm as I mixed the next song, a smile spreading across my face. The bass thumped through the dimly lit room, lights flickering in sync with the beat. This was my typical Friday night. At 19, I've been to more clubs than some people in their early 30s. My best friend Elizabeth, or Lizzie as I call her, sat down a few meters behind me with a drink in hand. "Hey, want some?" she shouted over the music, trying to make herself heard. "No, you know I don't drink at work," I replied with a small smile, glancing over my shoulder at her. "Boringgggg," Lizzie jokes, chuckling and returning my smile. I couldn't help but laugh slightly before turning my attention back to the crowd. I tossed my hair over my shoulder, my headphones resting around my neck before I placed them back on my ears. My hair flowed freely as I swayed my hips to the rhythm. After a few seconds, Liz stood up from her chair and tapped me on the shoulder. "I'm going to see if there are any cute guys here," she explained, leaning closer to my ear. I took my headphones off to hear her better. "Just be careful," I replied. Elizabeth was drop-dead gorgeous. With her perfect body, long dark wavy hair, and beautiful green eyes, she always turned heads. Sometimes, I felt a pang of jealousy. The tight black dress she wore only accentuated her beauty. I glanced down at my own outfit-a silver top and black baggy jeans. She gave me a quick smile and nod before disappearing into the crowd. I watched her for a while before turning my focus back to the music.

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