𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2 -𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡

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I stepped down from the DJ platform after chatting with Ariana for a while before weaving my way into the crowd. I've been tailing Ariana to almost every club where she gets hired. We've been best friends since we were eight. I adore her, but she can be pretty dull sometimes since she focuses so much on her work. After squeezing past some people, I found a table near the entrance. My eyes scanned the front of the club. I was about to walk away when a group of people caught my attention. One of the guys looked familiar, though I had no idea who he was. He was undeniably handsome, though. I glanced at my drink before taking a sip, my eyes wandering around the crowd before settling on Ariana, who was fully engrossed in her music. I watched her for a few more seconds while gently running my fingers through my hair, then turned and walked towards the bar. "A Sex on the Beach, please," I said to the bartender with a small, polite smile as I rummaged through my purse for some money. The bartender nodded and returned the smile before turning around to start making my drink. I sat down at the bar, waiting. My head moved slightly with the rhythm of the music Ariana was playing. My gaze scanned the room once again, and I kept stealing glances at the handsome man I'd spotted earlier. He was seated right across from the bar in one of the VIP areas. I turned back to the bartender just as someone sat down next to me. I turned my head and was shocked to see it was the handsome man from the VIP area. "Pretty crowded here, isn't it?" I said, trying to start a conversation. He turned his attention to me. "Yeah, it's packed," he replied as the bartender placed my drink in front of me. I thanked him, paid, but remained seated. "And what would you like?" the bartender asked the man next to me. "One gin and tonic, please," he replied as I sipped my drink, my eyes on him. He looked back at me and smiled slightly. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzie or Eliza," I said, feeling an introduction was in order. "Lando, Lando Norris," he replied, giving me a quick smile. "Nice to meet you, Eliza." He added. "Are you here with friends?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going while he waited for his drink. "Yeah, how about you?" Lando replied. "I'm here with my friend, she's the DJ," I explained proudly, taking a quick look at Ariana, who was now sitting on the chair I had been in before while the current song played. She looked a bit tired as she sipped some water. "That's cool," Lando said, glancing at Ariana too. The conversation felt like it was winding down until Lando suddenly spoke again. "I used to DJ too, well, not like she does. I did it for fun at some parties," he explained. As he held his drink, an idea sparked. "Hey, do you want to mix some songs here too?" I asked, not wanting him to get bored and walk away. "I'm sure you're great at it," I added flirtatiously. He was too handsome to let slip away. "Uh, would your friend allow it, though?" he asked, hesitation clear in his voice. I quickly took his hand and cut him off. "Of course, she will," I said, confidently leading him through the crowd towards Ariana's DJ platform.

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