the prologue part 1:The teacher

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It was a loud and stormy night as a car was seen speeding through the roads of vale as the light of the moon reflects off of its dark metal as a hooded figure ran along the roofs.

"The men in that vehicle are associated with a Templar controlled company, try to find out where the car is headed" a voice said coming from an ear piece on the hooded figure's ear.

The hooded figure gave a grunt of acknowledgement as they ran across a roof and jamp over a gap to reach another roof.

-meanwhile in the car-

Three men in suits and armed with weapons were guarding a briefcase that had a small glow inside of it that intrigued one of the men that had a messy beard and several years of experience shown through the wrinkles on his face.

"What the hell is inside of this thing anyways?" The bearded man said as he looked at the briefcase with a curious gaze full of greed and malice.

"All those years of experience and yet you still ask questions?" Another man said as he looked up from his gun and gave the older man an annoyed yet smug look.

The man who hadn't spoke ignored the bickering of his co-workers as they arrived at their destination which was an abandoned ranch on the outskirts of vale.

"Alright you two get your asses out and bring the briefcase, I don't want boss throwing me out a twenty story building because you idiots forgot to grab the briefcase" the quiet man spoke as he started to enter the abandoned ranch as his co-workers picked up the surprisingly heavy briefcase.

-meanwhile in the trees above-

"The men seem to be carrying something and it seems to be too heavy for one man to lift" the hooded figure said with a deep, monotone voice as he stalked the men like a lion stalking its prey in the wild.

The hooded figure jamp from the tree and landed in some hay before getting out and sneaking to an open window to eavesdrop on the men.

"Why the hell is this thing so heavy, it weighs more than 12 fully grown men on an average diet of 50 burgers everyday" the smug man said as he and his co-worker put the briefcase on the old and dusty couch as they were unaware of the hooded figure listening to them just outside the window.

The bearded man and the quiet man ignored the smug man as they got a call from their boss causing them to fumble until answering the call.

"Boss! We were just about to call!" The bearded man said nervously as he saw his boss covered in shadow.

"Were you three followed?" The shadow covered man asked seriously, his voice scented with malice and disloyalty.

The three men were nervous and reasonably so as their boss was known to be ruthless and cruel to the workers who messed up or stepped out of line.

"W-we weren't followed boss the roads were empty and the streets were clear, we saw no one" the quiet man said his voice filled with uncertainty and fear.

Those words didn't seem to please the boss as he clenched the arms of his chair and stared down the workers.

"What about the roofs?" The boss said before the smug man was pulled into the shadows unknown to the now two remaining men.

"W-what do you mean boss?" The bearded man said as he became even more nervous than he already was before the boss cut off communication unexpectedly.

The two remaining men then noticed they were down to two now when there were originally three of them.

"What the hell, where did Jeremy go!?" The quiet man said as he pulled out his gun and started to scan the area, it seems the interaction with his boss left him anxious.

The two men started to search the ranch, the cold breeze sent shivers down their spine but it was nothing compared to what their boss could do.

"T-this place is giving me the creeps, why the hell couldn't we just get sent to a hotel filled with a bunch of hot women in atlas" the bearded man said before feeling a mosquito bite his neck, but when he went to slap it he found a needle on the back of his neck that injected him with a anaesthetic liquid causing him to pass out.

"Shit, David get back up you useless bastard!" The now not so quiet man shouted before hearing something heavy land behind him, filling with dread like water would fill a bucket.

As he whipped around and pointed his gun into the shadows a cloaked figure jamp out at him and dismantled the gun in a matter of seconds.

"If you don't want to see the gates of heaven early, I suggest you start talking" the hooded figure said as it produced a blade from its wrist and pressed it against the man's neck.

"I don't know anything! I promise!" The quiet man yelled which was the answer the hooded figure didn't want at all.

"Wrong answer" the hooded figure prepared to stab the man in the heart only for the man to start speaking.

"I-i know the code to the briefcase!" The quiet man yelled which seemed to make the hooded figure stop.

"What is it!?" The hooded figure demanded as it slammed the man against the ground violently, its hands showing years of experience and pain.

The man started to look through his brain trying to remember the password that was given to him by the boss before they set off to the ranch.

"I-its 836-537!" The quiet man shouted in fear as he tried escaping the figures grasp only to be shoved into the ground again.

"If you're lying I'll come back for you and make you wish you never had the ability to lie" the hooded figure said before slamming it's knee on the man's forehead and knocking him out.

The hooded figure stood up and started walking towards the ranch house only to see the briefcase gone and several muddy footsteps on the floor and newly made tiretracks.

"Damn it someone must have gotten here while I was distracted" the hooded figure said before activating its earpiece and relaying it to the woman in the other side.

"You did all you could, come back to base and we'll figure out what to do next" the woman said before ending the call.

The hooded figure sighed and pulled down their hood revealing fifty five year old Robert Jones who's been an assassin for 30 years.

"I'm getting too old for this, after the beacon assignement, I'm retiring" Robert said as he let out some heavy breaths before entering the unconscious mens car and driving back to vale.

-end of prologue part 1-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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