Chapter 1 - The Transfer

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In a dilapidated schoolyard, a group of rough boys surrounds a timid youngster, taunting and pushing him against the wall.

"Give us your money, loser!" one snarls, shoving the smaller boy roughly.

"Please, I don't have much," the frightened boy pleads, clutching his meager coins tightly.

"Enough excuses! Hand it over!" Another bully demands, threateningly raising a fist.

The frightened boy trembles, tears welling in his eyes as he reluctantly hands over his small stash of coins.

Just then, a mystery figure walks by. He stands at 5'9" with a slender but deceptively strong build, his wolf cut hairstyle tousled slightly in the breeze. His brown eyes narrow with concern as he assesses the scene.

"Hey, leave him alone," The mystery figure  interjects firmly, his voice tinged with determination.

The leader of the bullies turns to the mystery figure, a smirk playing on his lips. "Who do you think you are, huh?"

Before the mystery figure can respond, another bully cuts in mockingly, "He's Dylan Wang! Big shot around here."

The leader sizes Dylan up, dismissing him with a sneer. "Listen, Dylan Wang. This doesn't concern you. Get lost."

Dylan squares his shoulders, a flicker of resolve crossing his features. "Looks like I do have business here," he retorts calmly. "Release the boy, and I'll give you what you want."

The bullies exchange glances, clearly underestimating Dylan's resolve. Little do they know, beneath his unassuming appearance, Dylan holds a quiet strength that's about to be tested.

The bullies release the young boy reluctantly and approach Dylan Wang, their leader eyeing him with disdain. "Two dollars won't settle this, rich boy," he sneers.

Dylan Wang remains composed, retrieving a couple of crumpled bills from his pocket. "It's all I have. Take it and let the boy go."

The leader grabs Dylan's shirt collar, a menacing glint in his eye. He swings a punch at Dylan's face, but Dylan sidesteps smoothly, evading the blow with surprising agility.

"I told you to let him go," Dylan says evenly, his voice steady despite the escalating tension.

The other bullies move in, kicking Dylan's legs out from under him. He falls to the ground, but instead of showing fear, Dylan's expression remains calm, almost detached.

As one of the bullies raises a foot to kick him in the face, Dylan moves with startling speed. He grabs the bully's ankle, twisting it sharply. The bully yelps in pain as Dylan effortlessly pulls him off balance, sending him crashing to the ground.

The other bullies rush forward, fists swinging, but Dylan moves with a fluid grace that belies his slender frame. With precise strikes and well-timed dodges, he quickly gains the upper hand.

His movements are calculated and efficient, each strike landing with controlled force. Despite the outnumbering odds, Dylan remains unfazed, his focus unwavering as he disarms and subdues each bully with ease.

Amidst the chaotic scuffle, Dylan's mind remains surprisingly clear. He reflects on the unfairness he witnessed, the injustice that sparked his intervention. Despite the physical confrontation, his thoughts are calm, his actions deliberate.

As the last of the bullies staggers back, nursing a bruised ego and throbbing limbs, Dylan stands tall. He surveys the aftermath of the altercation, his expression unreadable yet somehow victorious.

The young boy he rescued watches in awe, gratitude and newfound respect etched across his face. Dylan offers him a reassuring nod before silently walking away, leaving behind a group of humbled bullies nursing their wounds and reconsidering their actions.

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