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𝕟𝕒'𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕚'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧

Mia and I were currently at this house warming party, its was a a couple people there. we were in the kitchen sitting talking. lord knows i needed to get torn up tonight literally.

"guess who texted me yesterday" Mia said. " please dont tell me" i replied truthfully i really didnt want to know because mia doesnt stand on business like she says she does. "Davion texted me boo" she laughed. Davion was Mia's ex HER FAVORITE EX that she couldn't let go, i didnt like him for her because he was just so toxic and a drag on her. "bet you texted back" i said. " of course i did" she said. "lemme gone head and take this other shot before you piss me off" i said and rolled eyes. "you gone be pissed when i tell you he here and who he with" she said. i looked at her crazy because i just knoww she aint about to say who i think she about to say.

"bruh who?" i asked. "keem" she replied. my heart fell to my ass, felt like throwing up. maybe im just being dramatic but still.

keem was like a first love, he was my first everything. first kiss, first date, first and only body, first everything. we had a healthy relationship that started off as a friendship we just cut ties due to the fact of him being in the streets n shit just being honest to me, he always let his anger get ahead of him and that always lead to us not talking for the rest of the day. took me while to get over him a WHILE but i eventually did so him being here will just fuck up everything i haven't seen him since the day we broke up and that was fucking almost 2 years ago.

" i dont know why you acting surprised this keem house" she laughed. "girl i did not fuckin know that now i feel like i gotta throw up now im all spooked" i exclaimed. "girl you will be okay you might now even see him its hella people" she said. "but im finna go find davion real quick and ill be back" she said getting up and going towards the living room where the guest were. i decided to go in the pantry and grab some chips and Gatorade. i walked back to the island where my chair was and that shit was gone all fucking ready. i just stood up and took my 2 shots and drunk some of my gatorade after it.

"nani?" a voice said. i already knew who said it was sadly.


nayanni turned around a looked up at hakeem. "yes?" she asked with her arm crossed. "dont say it like that like im finna be a bother to you" his deep raspy voice said tilting his head a lil bit. " you might so idk" she said. he look her up and down then looked back her. "you look good whatchu been up to" he said then licking his bottom lip. " i been on my p's and q's b what you want?" nani said. he just looked at her shocked to see her after this time. he knew she was acting stiff on purpose so he wasnt ending the coversation no time soon. "girl stop acting like that you know you over here bored" he said. she rolled her eyes knowing he was right she did wanna talk to him but only if he was finna apolygize. " GIRL im bored but ill be bored til mia come back your presence isnt needed boo" she said lying her ass off. "im just tryna talk to you nayanni" he said grabbing her wrist pulling her up towards his room. "unt uh where we goin?" she asked pulling back a lil. he ignored her pulling her into his room. "sit down" he said. " no" she said putting her hand on hip. he pushing her on the bed making her sit down.

"hakee-" she said but got cut off. " can you listen to what a nigga gotta say first before you start that tryna be stubborn shit" he said sitting next to her on his bed. " go head" she said. " first i jus wanna apologize for everything that happened between us, im sory for hurting you and not keeping it a buck with you all the way thru and walking out on you without giving u ah answer mostly im sorry for leaving you that shit was childish and probably one of my biggest regrets , i was young shit im still young but all i can do is right my wrong. ian askin to get back together i just dont want no bad blood between us nani you know i love you." he said truthfully meaning every last thing he told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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