Chapter 2-CARINA

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"Um...hi. I'm Carina, but everyone calls me Rina..."

Kyria and Alice watched the girl nervously tug at her sleeve and bite her lip as she introduced herself to the class.

"You smell that?" Alice whispered to her sister.

"Yup. And it's not human." Kyria said, popping the 'p'.

The sisters looked up just in time to see Carina cautiously walking towards their table, probably to occupy the seat in front of them.

Carina couldn't help but feel the stares of the other students as she quietly took her seat, hoping everyone would just turn their attention somewhere else. She was already nervous about being caught, she didn't need any more reasons to have an anxiety attack.

Aside from the scattered stares from her peers Carina found class pleasant enough, and time went by quickly.

After class Carina was packing her things up when she saw a pair of shoes in her peripheral vision, causing her to look up. "Hi. I'm Alice."

"Alice," Kyria says with a scoff as she walks up to the pair, seeing how nervous the young girl looked from all the way across the hall, "Don't bombard the girl already. Maybe she doesn't want to be bothered."

"Oh, come on, Kyrie," Alice huffs, "I'm just trying to make more friends."

"You have six friends in the cafeteria," Kyria stated, tugging on her arm, but she wouldn't budge, "Seven if we go sit in there right now."

"Ignore her," Alice had said to the girl, "She's not a very social person."

"Alice!" Kyria glared at her sister-in-law before her gaze went to Carina and she smiled at the girl, "Hi, I'm Kyria. I apologize for that show. I just didn't want her to bombard you with her personality. It can be too much sometimes."

"Oh, um... it's okay." The girl nodded.

"You should sit with us at lunch!" Alice chirped.

Carina gave the shorter girl an unsure look. Though she just got to Forks, she had already heard rumors about 'the strange Cullens'. She wasn't sure she should associate herself with them. What if something went wrong and she had to leave earlier because of them?

"Oh, well—uhm... I don't—I don't think that I—"

"Oh, come on, you have to meet my family! You'll love them. I'm sure we'll all become the best of friends!" Alice eagerly smiled.

"Alice." Kyria sighed.

"Oh, come on Kyrie. It'll be fine!" Alice assured. "Well? How about it, Carina? Join us for lunch?"

"Uh... um... I—I—I guess..." The blonde nodded, giving in to Alice's eager and persistent request.

Alice squealed and quickly wrapped her arm around the blonde's arm, swiftly dragging the girl away from her locker and to the cafeteria. Kyria was left standing at the abandoned locker, watching her sister drag the unsuspecting girl away, making her sigh.

As Alice stopped outside the cafeteria with Carina in tow, her family looked at her with curious eyes. "Guys, this is Carina." She smiled innocently. "She's in Kyria and my class. She just moved here. I thought she could sit with us."

"Alice..." Rosalie sighed, giving her sister a disapproving look.

"Oh, do you smell that?" Alice openly asked, doing her best not to raise suspicion towards the new girl.

Alice watched her family questioningly smell the air and let their eyes widen as the unique scent filled their senses.

"Shall we go in then?" Jasper asked, placing his hand on the small of Alice's back, urging her to begin walking.

Alice nodded and made her way to the cafeteria doors, Carina still in tow.

"Any clue of what she is?" Rosalie whispers to her family.

A collective 'no' echoed through the small group.

"Edward?" Rosalie questioned.

Said vampire shook his head. "I can't hear anything. It's like Bella, but with more nature."

After stealing one more cautious glance at each other the group followed Alice and Carina into the cafeteria.

Carina let Alice drag her into the cafeteria but realized too soon that everyone had stopped what they were doing and started silently watching the two girls that were soon followed by her siblings.

How did I let this happen? Carina internally panicked.

"So, Carina, where'd you move from?" Rosalie asked, shocking the rest of her family.

Carina's eyes slightly dilated and the vampires could hear her heartbeat quicken.

Once the brunette Cullen was able to catch up with her family, she paused at the scene in front of her, choosing not to comment on what seemed to be a very awkward situation, "Well, thanks for leaving me, Alice. Some sister you are."

"Oops! Sorry..." Alice shyly smiles. "I got excited."

Kyria rolled her eyes and scoffed with a smile on her face as she walked toward Jasper. She knew how Alice was.

"Your wife is very strange," Kyria quietly said to her brother so only he could hear, then smiled as she joked, "Not sure if she's right for you..."

"Kyrie," Jasper shook his head with a small smile as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Kyria smiled innocently and leaned into his embrace. She loved her brother very much. She would die, again, if anything happened to him. She's protective over him and he's protective over her. Sometimes too much. But overall, they really just want to make sure the other doesn't get hurt.

A silence fell over the table, everyone unsure of how to continue the conversation. Carina didn't want to answer where she moved from and none of the Cullens really wanted to bluntly ask what the girl was. Neither wanted to reveal what they were.

I clearly moved to the wrong place. Carina thought to herself.

"Okay, let's skip the fake pleasantries." Rosalie annoyedly sighed. "What are you?" she quietly asked while crossing her arms in front of her chest, making sure no surrounding human could hear her.

"Wha—what are you talking about?" The smaller blonde asked, hoping to make herself sound convincing. Though, with the way her voice changed, not even Carina believed herself. But still, she had to try.

"What are you?" Rosalie repeated, giving the girl another chance to come clean to the family.

"Oh!" The girl brightly smiled. "Well, believe it or not I'm part japanese—"

"You know that's not what I meant." Rosalie growled. "Now, I'll give you one last chance. What. Are. You?" She asked.

"Rose," Kyria stated as she looked at the blonde with a small shake of her head.

"No, Kyrie. We already have one problem on our hands. We can't take on another. She could be a threat to us. To our family." Rosalie insisted. "Well?"

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