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"This is a nice mess you've gotten us into, Edward

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"This is a nice mess you've gotten us into, Edward." Alice chirps after Felix and Demetri had left them in the lobby of the castle, one being more reluctant to leave than the other.

"How was I supposed to know this would happen?" Edward nearly growls in annoyance.

"Well, if you didn't just run all the way over here because you wanted to die—"

"You didn't need to bring Bella!" Edward cut Alice off.

"The blood bag was the one who decided to come." Kyria scoffed, "And it's kind of Alice's fault, if you think about it."

"How is it my fault?!" Alice exclaims in defense.

"You're the one that said 'Bella is the only one he'll believe. He'll think I'm lying and rush into exposing himself to the humans. She has to go!'." Kyria imitated the exact words her sister-in-law had said to her on the phone about twenty hours ago, "Did you or did you not say that?"

"Did I?" Alice innocently asked, "But to be fair, none of this would've happened if Edward had just gone to Forks and checked if it was true or not." She shrugged. "And let's not forget that because of this whole thing, Kyrie is now mated to one of them."

"And that's my fault because?" Bella suddenly jumps in.

"No one is talking to you, Isabella!" Kyria glared at the human, "Butt out!"

"Don't yell at her, Kyria." Edward growled.

"Don't growl at Kyrie!" Alice hissed.

Kyria groaned in frustration, "I can defend myself, Alice!"

"I know you can, but that doesn't mean that you always should." Alice reasons. "Now be quiet so Edward and I can talk about this."

"Really Alice?" Edward rolls his eyes.

"Excuse you?" Kyria glared at her sister-in-law, "What did you just say to me?!"

"Yes, really Edward!" Alice huffs, ignoring her sister. "You have to stop making these selfish decisions!" She raged. "You wanted Bella? We let you go after her, despite Rose and Kyrie's dislike for her. You wanted to move to protect Bella? Fine! We packed up our lives and moved away! You didn't even stay with us!! Then you selfishly decided to come here to end your life!!"

"Now that I think about it, this really is your fault, Edward!" Kyria said, suddenly agreeing with Alice, "Rosalie and I both told you not to go after Bella! We told you multiple times that it was a bad idea and you didn't want to listen to us! We knew this would happen. Because of your selfishness, you've gotten us into this disaster! Alice is right. You wanted to protect Bella. Fine! We had to pack up our entire house and move away and you didn't even stay with us! You distanced yourself from the family! Then you ran off to freaking Italy to have yourself killed, because you were so depressed! About what? That you couldn't be near your bloodsinger? That's right, we know she's not your mate!"

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