The Day before hell

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Y/n pov

9:30 am

I woke up hearing my phone ring not like a normal ring someone was calling me from Instagram, I sat up and grabbed my phone looking at the user. Dustin.L0ng I yawned answering the call when Dustin's faced popped up on the screen, Now pause.

I know your wondering what the hell are you doing talking to Dustin Mae long for, Well I just so happen to run into him at the mall and we talked he seemed chill so I gave him my Instagram we texted here and there since then so him calling me isn't really a surprise.

I ANSWERED as his face popped up in the screen."Hey D"I said swinging my legs off the bed."Hey ma wyd" He said looking all in the screen."Well you woke me up but I guess it about time I get up anyway" I said standing up walking in my bathroom."awl well I'm picking you up at 5:30"He said "Where we going"I said wiping my face, Putting all the skin care stuff back."We just hanging out with Alex and Brandt and the girls not to much people once you think about it." He replied sitting his phone up.I took a quick glance at the phone rolling my eyes."Now Dustin you know Big back Becca got a promblem with me for what reason why don't know but she got 99 problems with me and don't have 1 with her" I said complained as he rolled his eye's back."She just mad cause she found out we was talking when she liked me I guess I cant really say what her reason was" He said shrugging."But the crazy thing is we not even together so I don't know what her problem is but I know one thing she try to start anything and she go get a can of ass whooping" I said picking out my outfit for the day.Dustin started laughing his ass off.

Finally after he got done we just discussed what we were doing before he decided to come pick me up I fr just planned on cleaning up a but considering that I'm the only one that lives in this house so it really isn't dirty and I just got back here...

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Finally after he got done we just discussed what we were doing before he decided to come pick me up I fr just planned on cleaning up a but considering that I'm the only one that lives in this house so it really isn't dirty and I just got back here a couple day ago so yea.

[3 hour's later]

It was 12:30 see after I got done cleaning I went back to sleep only to be woken up again by my sister Adeel ( A-D-E-L) she asked is she could crash a couple days at my house I said yes I wouldn't mind the company considering I have 3 guest rooms but since she comes over so much I just made one of the room hers leaving 2 but anyways I hear a knock at my door I slide my house shoes on walking down the steps towards the front door I unlocked it opening it to see my sister sanding there was a duffle bag wich I assumed had clothes and what not In it so I opened it wider so she could step in " Hey girl" I said stepping  aside. " Hey" She said looking up from her phone making her way to her room.Now normally I would mind my business giving her privacy but she seemed like something was bothering her so only doing this out of concern I made my way up stairs knocking on her door hear a 'come in' I open the door closing it behind me taking a seat next to her on her bed."Hey del's what's going on usuals you'll be all 'hey' or 'glad I could crash here'"I said nudging her shoulder.she turned her phone off sitting it on the night stand before turning to me."n/n mom kicked me out" she blurted out breaking eye contact with me."Shit damn what happen" I asked "Well y'know her boyfriend Curtis right" she said looking at me once more."Ye what about him I asked. Curtis is my mom's boyfriend of 2 month and he had other kids like her they where the same ages as me and Adeel 16, and 18."So apparently Curtis got custody of his other daughter that's the same age as me and momma kinda went out on me about how I should be helping provide for the house since I'm old enough for a job and how I should help with bill and stuff for the house put them Curtis mentioned how you moved out the same age as me and was like 'since you other kid is doing good for herself then why cant she' and here I am" She finished.I couldn't believe what just came out of my little sisters mouth no way momma kicked out her blood child over her boyfriends kids."Y'know what i'm not finna have my little sister roaming the streets you living here" I said "wait fr you sure it not a problem" she said getting all excited." yes I got way more than enough room and I could enjoy the company as big this house is and how many rooms there are and this I basically your room so tommrow after school we can get the rest of your stuff from momma house so you can fully move in here." I Stated : Omg thank you thank thank you" Mt sister said hugging me."Your welcome put look lets set some boudaries"  said getting serious " no you know I'm not on no strict shit like 'be at home by 6:30 type shit so let just make it to her atleast be here bye 11:30 if you going somewhere let me know so I don't worry and if you have sex use protection and if you having your friends over let me know I said standing up." ok ok seems cool you got it" she said "Ok look im finna leave going out with some friends I honestly don't know when I'ma be back but I'll text or call when I'm on my way back I said walking over the the door.

She just nodded before laying down I closed her door walking over the my room getting ready for Dustin black ass to come and get me.

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