Another Appearance...

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Chahna's POV:

Today was a different kind of dark night, unlike the previous ones that never frightened me but instead they sparked a desire to wander into the woods , gazing at the dark clouds and the bright shining moon that glimmered like a diamond against the black coal sky. 

The past few moments felt unusual as I experienced a touch of fear, sensing as though a pair of eyes were fixed on me, observing my every god damn movement. 

This growing fear was unsettling, exacerbated by the interior of the house, or rather the entire house, which appeared somewhat aged and eerie, especially being the solitary dwelling on the outskirts of town , shunned by the woods. 

Thankfully, the saving grace was that only the nights were daunting , the days were serene and lovely. 

My mind was suddenly blanked out as I heard movements inside my house. The fear that had been building up reached its peak. 

I rushed towards the kitchen to find some knifes to defend myself with, determined that whatever or whoever it was, I would have a chance - a fighting chance - to survive. If today was to be my last day , I was intent on ensuring that whoever this intruder was, they would join me on a journey to the gates of heaven. 

I cautiously followed the sound emanating from my bedroom, gripping the knife tightly in my hand to the point where even if I faint, it wouldn't slip from my grasp- I was determined of that. 

That mounting fear was becoming overwhelming, especially since this wasn't the first day I had experienced it. For nearly a month now, I had been receiving threats, ominous warnings that soon, I would be within their grasp, like a fragile butterfly. 

I almost chuckled at my own words - not really mine but a crazy bastard who thinks I'll be as delicate as a butterfly but dude seriously ! You forgot who you are dealing with ... obviously it's the only unparalleled and deranged individual Chahna Oberoi. 

In an instant, I found myself standing at my door, hand on the handle, debating whether to open it . Would I find an empty room if I did?  or would someone be waiting  inside, ready to seize control of my life? 

Setting aside all the logic, I made the foolish decision to turn the handle and open the door. Summoning all my courage , I acted swiftly, swinging the door open. 

Roaming my eyes all around the room which was empty as it seem when I leave it . Still those bloody instincts were telling  " Go and check again , there has to be someone" but still I decided to ignore my stupid instincts and played down on my soft bed. 

I closed my eyes, my brows sweaty, perspiration trickling down my face towards my neck and finally disappearing into my chest. 

If I wasn't in such situation I might have felt this all sweat things sultry but God every time does unfair to me by putting me in a risky situation along with all insane thoughts in my mind. 

It's really tough to think straight at such times. 

My eyes snapped open abruptly , fixing on the closed closet. In the moment, clutching the knife tightly, I felt compelled to investigate the closet, fearing someone might be lurking behind my clothes, ready to attack and spill my blood with whatever weapon they held. 

I rose from my bed and approached the closet, pausing momentarily to gather my resolve. Summoning courage, I opened it at last, only to find it empty. I meticulously searched through every garment, examining every corner of the closet, but found no one. 

Relief washed over me, yet outside my window, a dark reflection seized my attention. 

And instantly, I knew that he had returned once more. 


Hello guys!! 

Hope so all are doing good

So, the first chapter is out do COMMENT , VOTE and LIKE coz I get an idea that you'll loved it or not. 

Take care  guys ! 💗😊

See you soon 💞

Chahna : My Burning PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now