The Note...

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my darling , you will never be unloved by me .... you are too well tangled in my soul. 

Chahna's POV: 

He stood there with an aura as dark as one of the darkest entities that have ever existed all covered up in black , the scariest and prettiest colour I think. A cigarette adorned between his lips, the only part of him visible under the moonlight. His intimidating shadow almost ripped my soul out of me when I reached the window taking slow steady steps as if it would save me from a monster. Did it ? No.  

I stood there for nearly 15 minutes, terrified, sweet dripping down my hairline. My nails dug into my palms, drawing blood, as anxiety hit the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to erupt along with making all the hair to line up my body. 

No sooner my instincts kicked in and I rushed to grab my phone from the nightstand. Getting hold of my phone , I dialled 9-1-1 but just when I was going to press the call, my eyes moved towards the standing figure outside the window. He shook his head as if warning for the disaster that is going to shred on my way. 

Clearing my thoughts about the disaster , I pressed the phone to my ear letting him know " bastards can't have me in their control specially a stalker like him." Crazy right ? A stalker behind me . This thought almost takes my life away that once I wished to have a stalker. I fucking considered it as a hot deed as stalkers have that dark intimidating aura and of course physique like Greek Gods. 

I can't even defy my own choices or say imaginations about having a stalker as my best friend, my diary both shits know that I loved having them , the best part of it is them being obsessed with me. But when actually facing those imaginations  the reality really sucks as it  fucking scares the shit out of me , when living all alone in a house probably lined up with spirits watching over all your stupid decisions. 

Speaking of decisions I ain't the intelligent one making them always correct but probably always ending in a cob web of problems being hell out  tangled in them. And right here this piece of shit standing outside chilling in the cold weather is making me regret my decision of reporting the officers . 

I drift past  my thoughts when I see him walk away  but not before side- eyeing me with that grin on his face and disappearing like a haunting spirit into the woods. That grin that has  been plastered on his psychotic face almost brings me on an edge to not rip that shitty soul out of his muscled up body . 

Lifting my legs forward I move out of my room , right now standing in front of my front door to check whether he has left or still lurking with his shit in the woods. Slowly I open the door and look around as if sensing his presence around the house or anywhere near me until my eyes lock up towards the bright colour radiating from my floor, and there it is... 

A jar with a beautiful blue coloured butterfly in it, probably finding a crack to escape towards its freedom along with a note sitting right beneath it. I unlock the lid letting the butterfly to slide out towards its home, feeling like a damn master freeing a Jinn  from its Chirag , ughhhh this creepy feeling. The same shock again registering in me and the damn same words written on it..

" Won't get the chance to escape once you are in my grasp, little butterfly🦋 . " 


Hello guys!!! 

Hope so y'all are doing great . 

So the point is it would really be appreciated I you'll COMMENT, VOTE and LIKE or at least a reaction. 

Please , it would be really great if you appreciate my hard work. 

Bye guys , see you soon 💗😊. 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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