Emily had a bad feeling about something

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Tw:bad language

Lute decides to talk to Emily after a big massive argument she just had with Adam she could not take the sight of him anymore

Lute: Emily, I need your help. I don't know what to do anymore.

Emily : what happened this time?

Lute: Adam is being a fucking bitch again

Emily : what happened this time?

Lute: he keeps telling me to change. I don't know what the hell he wants with me. I don't know what the hell I did.

Emily: listen you don't have to change he's just being an honorary bitch

Lute: Emily did you just swear?

Emily : sorry I don't swear in front of people. I only do it when I'm very angry.

Lute: no it's not a problem. It's just I'm shocked that you would use a word like that. I've never heard you swear like that

Emily : anyway what's been going on with you for the past few days? You haven't been seen okay?

Lute:adam being an asshole per usual but it's nothing new

Emily: if you hate your job so much, why don't you quit?

Lute: it's not a simple as you think Emily if I quit my job it could be killed and besides I do enjoy it and I'm not turning out just like vaggie

Emily was shocked at the mention of vaggie Emily knew how she hated vaggie

Emily : we can't change topics if you want

Lute: it's fine Emily it's not important anyway besides Adam will be coming soon to annoy me

Emily: yeah and I will have to leave soon because sera overprotective more than usual

Lute: okay goodbye Emily

Emily: goodbye lute

Emily Had a bad feeling about something so she went to home and had a discussion to herself

Emily: I've got a bad feeling about something about Adam

Emily: should I be worried?

Emily: Maybe I'm just being a bit dramatic

Emily: oh my God, I've got so many duties to do today I don't even know why I do it but it doesn't know

Meanwhile with lute

Lute: why does he always expect me to do better?

Lute: am I not already enough?

Lute: what does it take to reach his expectations?

Lute: I wonder what he will want from me tomorrow he told me to meet him at 10 o'clock

Lute: every time that I see him, it always becomes bad and bad

End of chapter 2

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