Something bad is about to happen (part 2) (sera put the spell on lute)

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Tw: manipulation/bad language/Violence

It's been a few hours since lute and sera had that conversation, but does she know the conversation would end up leading lute to be under Adam and sera control

Note: Adam will be in the background for the next chapters so he won't actually be speaking. He will just be in the background watching things.

Lute: so you're telling me that you actually know Adam's idea what do you want me to do in return?

Sera: nothing I just wanted to tell you I was getting sick and tired of Adams attitude

Lute: that we both can definitely agree on his attitude is absolutely terrible at the moment

Sera: you really do hate him don't

Lute: of course I don't hate him but at the moment he doesn't treat me like a real person

Sera: I see and why do you always keep a secret? He's treating.

Lute: I'm not very good at my emotions. I don't tell anyone but I personally think I struggle, especially with crying.

Sera: crying how the heck do you want us to struggle with that? Everyone cries?

Lute: yes I do cry, but it's more rare for me than other people. It's actual condition.

Sera: what type of condition is that? I've never heard of that before.

Lute: the condition is called Anhedonia is the inability to experience joy or pleasure most of my joy is fake even when I love the extermination most of it is fake but it's crying that I'm mostly struggle with. I was shocked when Adam almost died in the last extermination but I didn't cry for too long. I just mostly got shocked

Sera: that's quite interesting. I've never heard of anything like that before.

Lute: anyway I'm getting quite bored. I've been stuck in the room for hours.

Sera starts to chant spell underneath her breath so that lute wouldn't hear her

Lute: sorry I feel quite light lightheaded

Sera: are you okay?

Lute: I feel like my head is spinning. I don't know what's going on.

Sera: oh is that so?

Lute: what the heck have you done to me?

Sera: well you see my dear you're going to be underneath Adams control soon

Lute: what?

Sera: you heard me?

Lute can't believe what she just heard. She knew that Adam was crazy, but she didn't know he was actually going to go to that crazy.

Sera: well this is going to be a fun experiment

Lute: I will never be under his control

Sera: oh trust me, dear it's already too late

Lute: just wait until I get revenge on him

Sera: obedience won't be as free as you think dear once the spell takes over you fully

Lute: i'm going to fucking end you

Sera: she laughs how can you end me? I'm the highest Serafen. I have got more authority over you.

Lute: just wait until I tell Emily

Sera: oh trust me, dear you're not going to have time to tell her because an exactly 2 minutes you will be obedient

The time was clicking lute headache was getting worse she didn't want to be under Adams or sera control, but it was already too late. The damage has already been done as she laid the clock was taking and her headaches were getting worse. She knew that soon she was going to be underneath.... Adams complete control the spell

Lute: my headaches are getting worse. I feel like I'm going to faint.

Sera: don't worry you're just moving onto stage two

Lute: didn't manage to get a word out

Sera: you see step number two is when you can't speak unless you're spoken to that's the very last step

Lute: sticks the middle fingersup towards sera face

Five minutes later in the spell was completely finished lute was officially underneath the spell hypnotised brainwashed and other sources of evil. She was never going to be the same again. And Adam was laughing very very maniacally.

Sera: now the real fun can begin(she was very delighted)

End of chapter 4

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