• Dabi smitten with the new recruit - Headcanons •

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- At first he didn't really care that someone new was joining the LOV

- He had other things to worry about anyway, or so he thought..

- After returning to the LOV base from a training session, he finally caught sight of you. He watched you for a while. Although he'd never admit to this

- but he thought you were pretty..

- After a while, he attempted to suppress these emotions, but he wanted to talk to you, possibly even befriend you. Although he was not typically one for friendship, he wanted to make an effort to get to know you, hoping to somewhat "ease" his longing feelings towards you.

- So one night, he finally approached you. He started with some small talk, which quickly turned into a full-on conversation. He had never been so open with anyone, not even the other members of the LOV.

- And soooo, after the two of you somewhat became friends, he'd hang out with you every chance you got. Talking and hanging out with you is basically his love language at this point.

- There were also times when he would show his protective side. He would always keep an eye on you during missions, making sure you were safe.

- And if he thought someone was being disrespectful or harmful towards you, they would face his wrath. He may have been a villain, but he won't tolerate anyone threatening what he cared about.

- and If you're lucky enough, he might even steal some expensive gifts for you. Not that he would ever admit it, but these gestures were his way of showing how much he cared for you.

- Through his actions, it was evident that Dabi was smitten with the new recruit - you. It was a new feeling for him, but one he was slowly starting to embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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