The sleepover part 1

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quick A/N:
Yes. This is Shiny Duo's simping time. Next parts Withered husbands:) (Just pretend they have everyone thats here: Lizzie, Joel, Pearl, Gem, Scott, Jimmy, Katherine, Shubble, Fhwip. And Sausage)

Gem Pov:

Id walk into Katherine's place. Id sit on the floor, as Scott set Jimmy on the couch, Jimmy was still a flustered mess. Id giggle. Fhwip, oh my dear brother spoke "WE SHOULD DO TRUTH OR DARE!" He was definitely. Too excited. everyone soon agreed. He'd speak to Pearl "Pearl, Truth. Or dare?"


Pearl's pov:

"oh-uhh- dare.." 'please dont do anything with a crush-' id silently plead. "Hmmmmmm- eat an ice pop with your crush on the other end." Fhwip spoke. Id stutter "i-uh- Katherine. Do you have ice pops-" Katherine smirked "mhm. Pick a flavor." id nod. 'shit- uh- I know Gem likes the green soo-' id grab the green one. And opened both sides. "Can You all close your eyes..?" everyone closed their eyes. Id walk up to Gem, and quickly and "calmly" put it into her mouth


Gem's Pov:
Id feel something go into my mouth. I didn't see Fhwip open his eyes. Id gag, as the ice pop touched my troat. Id move away, everyone opened their eyes.


Pearl's pov:
As Gem ran to the toilet, id confort her, as she threw up "S-sorry gem. I didn't mean to-" id quickly apologize. Id notice Gem look at me. Id smile. And Gem said, a tiny bit flirty "help me get this discussing taste out of my mouth~" "I-Uh-" before I could protest. Gem kissed me. Id whince as the taste of vomit touched my lips. Id kiss back. In a few moments. Gem let go. We both were blushing profusely. Id smile


Gem's Pov:

Id see Pearl smile. Id say "Ill get us some water." Id stand up. And Fhwip wiggled his eyebrows as I grabbed two water bottles "Aye- Why do ya' need to water bott-" Sausage was interrupted as Pearl walked out of the bathroom, and sat on the floor. Id hand her a water bottle. "WAIT- DID YOU TWO KISS??!?!?!" Fhwip yelled. Id stare at him "What?! No-Why did you think that-" id quickly panic


Fhwip's Pov:

Id gasp jokingly, id turn to pearl "And you didn't ask my permission." Gem groaned, and buried her head into Pearl's shoulder "She dosent need your permission to kiss back-" We'd all get a text from Scott. We'd realize he or Jimmy wherent in the room.

                                8:38. Pm



Id open the door "Hi fellow Simp." Scott said. Id blush "I-Get inside." Scott mouthed 'Simp' as I sat down, next to Sausage. Id sigh "should we sleep?" "Nahh-" id look at Sausage. Who was eating a red ice pop. Id get up, and grabbed a yellow one. Id sit back down.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Yes its still Fhwip's pov(idk i like writing his pov))

Everyone was under blankets. I was placed between Sausage, and the couch that Lizzie and Joel where on. Id sigh, and layed my head on the floor. Id fall soon after, id feel Sausage take the blanket. Id moe close to him, and he'd cuddled me..


hEhEhEhE cliff hanger :)
Anygays- hope yall like this(This took less time than the second part

Wc: 567

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