blurb 4- luke

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luke would wake up before you and make you breakfast and do all the jobs that needed to get down for that day just so you don't have a stressful day ahead of you. he would make pancakes but burn then in the pancake maker because he hasn't made them without your assistance. he would do the laundry, dishes, and other regular house chores that needed to get done. after finishing to jobs and preparing your breakfast, he would go up to your shared room and climb onto the bed kissing you to briefly wake you up and explain that he decided to let you have a "stress-free" day so you didn't have to do anything except be with him all day. the rest of the day, luke would take you on several mini dates such as bowling, mini-golfing, and roller-skating!


that was cute aW. btw the picture isn't mine!! i found it on tumblr.anyways, double update in 2 seconds

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