When Hermione and Harry and Ron were looking for clues once again, Voldemort was back, and he was causing all kinds of chaos for millions. So, while looking for ways to help everyone else. Hermione of course being the one who is always ahead of ever...
So, Harry and Ronaldo wanted to use Hermione's Time Turner. She stopped them but she disappeared into Time.
So, now it has to be up to her who discover how to make the return back to the present.
So, they were facing serious charges. Meanwhile.
Hermione's Time Turner dropped her off somewhere very far away from where she was. She lay on the ground.
As a shadowy figure walked up to her body. It senses something about this girl. So, it picks her up and carries her to the village.
Hermione's head hurts. She woke up to find her wounds were dressed and cleaned, she had a bandage wrapped around her head. An old woman appeared in the room.
"Ah, you've awakened, about time, my friend found you unconscious out in the woods, Stated the old woman. As she stood up and felt confused. "Who are you? Asked Hermione" scared. "I am the Priestess Keada, and you? who might you be? Asked Keada" checking.
"I am Hermione Granger, Said Hermione" honest with her. "I won't harm you; I healed you, my Monk friend found you in the woods, He brought you here for safety, Said Keada" seriously.
Hermione knew that Priestess have magic too. She was thinking, she had studied hard for years. So, knew Monks and Priestess were mostly the good guys. As she looked around at everything.
"Where am I? Why does this place look...! so old? Asked Hermione" confused. "Well, considering how your dressed, you're not from around here are you, Spoke up another voice. As she looked at the door. A young girl who looked to be the same age as Hermione.
"I am Kagome, I come from the present daytime, I time travel here, and I have been fighting against demons and many other creatures, so where did you come from? I don't recognize you're clothing from anywhere. Your dressed in robes and a strange crest is on your clothes.
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"It's complicated to explain, but I am from a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Spoke up Hermione. As Inuyasha walked into the room. "She's a witch, Said Inuyasha" seriously. As she turned around and she pulled out her wand really fast.
"Stop, stop, he's on our side, He's my friend, he won't hurt you, no one is going to hurt anyone in this room, spoke up Kagome" trying to calm Hermione down. Hermione lowered her wand and chose to take a deep breath. Kagome was curious about the object she pulled out of her robs, but she seems quick to draw, just as fast as Inuyasha would draw for his sword.
"Strange stick there? Does it actually work? You said you went to a school for witches? and Wizards? So, you do magic then? Asked Kagome" curiously.
"I do, and I can, do magic, Spoke up Hermione" honest with her. As she lightly proved it and used a simple spell, she lifted Keada's tea pot and managed to pour the tea into the cups. As she was using simple spells. As she created a small knitting spell to create a small scarf and whatnot, she was talented alright, she served them food by making things float. As they all were surprised. Until they got fed by her using a food spell. She also showed them her magic.
"Wow...! I wish I could do that? my gift is just purifying demons and evil auras, Said Kagome" shocked. "Everyone has their own skills, Kagome, I didn't come here on purpose it was an accident, my two friends were being idiots, and now my time turner is slightly broken, I am hoping I can fix it so I can return to my own time, but the question is how to fix it, Says Hermione" honest with them. As she was thinking about it pretty hard.
So, the 3 of them looked at each other. Keada said she is welcome to stay with her until she figures it out. As she thanked her. As Kagome said Well, she's off. she has to return to her own time. So, she will check in again soon. She told Inuyasha to behave himself and be nice to Hermione. As he grumbled under his breath.
So, Keada took Hermione all around the village. She realized what the year was? and how far back she went, she knew she can't wait for time to catch up like it did the last time she and Harry used it, but that was only a couple of hours, this was years, many years in fact and also far away from London or Hogwarts for that matter, so she'd have to find a way to get back home on her own and figure it out for herself.
Inuyasha looked over at the new little witch. She was a 17-year-old girl. Her brown hair was super pretty, her brown eyes were soft and warm, but she also seems to be smart. She studies magic she has her whole life she seems to be very bright, he had to admit it, most witches around these parts were bad news for anyone and those who normally heard the word Witch normally thought of curses and bad thoughts about them, and they don't like witches.
She looked back at him with her curious eyes.
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He spoke up and told her, that she better be careful around these parts, it could be very dangerous for someone like her.
"She asks are you threatening me? Asked Hermione. He shook his head no.
"He said he hoped that she is a good witch, because, around these parts, witches aren't liked, in fact, a lot of the humans burned witches at the stake and tried to find ways to get rid of them, most humans hate witches and wizards, so that is why he told her to be careful while she's hiding out here, and its wise that she didn't tell others that she is a witch or that she can use magic, Spoke up Inuyasha" seriously.
As Hermione looked at him curiously and she also felt nervous around him, she's never had a conversation with a demon before. But she realized he gave her a warning. She told him she has been in a lot of practice battles and been able to train with her wand since she was 11 years old, she also has had some real fights too with life and death being on the line, so she knew how to take care of herself, she can fight, she's been in her share of fights.
He was curious and asks her what her best skill was? She admitted that Harry normally was the brave one, and he was full of courage and would just blindly run right into the danger if he had things his way, Ron just followed him most of the time and most of the time neither one ever thinks about what they're doing before they go and do it, sometimes like idoits they are, and her, well she knew spells and smarts, cleverness, she was the one who studies everything they ever faced, she is the one who is the Brillant one and tries to come up with logical answers and spells, Stated Hermione.
She was the one who tried to always be prepared for anything and everything they've ever faced up against. But this last time, Harry was talking crazy and nonsense, and then he took hold of the time turner, and well now I am here, Stated Hermione. Inuyasha told her to be careful and no one would harm her, but he would keep an eye on her, until she was safe and sound back in her own world once again, and then walked away.
She turned her head to the side; she hasn't known a demon before. She has study and listens to lectures about animals. But He was a very unusual one. She did worry about the other two, but she knew as long as she has the time turner, Harry and Ron can't do anything else stupid, but she hoped they are alright.