When Hermione and Harry and Ron were looking for clues once again, Voldemort was back, and he was causing all kinds of chaos for millions. So, while looking for ways to help everyone else. Hermione of course being the one who is always ahead of ever...
So, thanks to the idoit boys for being rather stupid. Harry was so worried about Voldemort coming back. He and Ron got it in their heads that it would be a good idea to steal her time turner. but now they cause more trouble, because it trapped her in another time, and farther away from her own world and time.
She was now found by a strange team, but somehow, she was not in London either anymore. What had Harry and Ron done, to the time turner, why would the time turner bring her to this place, it was nowhere near home or where she came from, and she knew she had to figure out a solution and find a way to get back to Hogwarts.
Kagome went home and told Inuyasha to be nice to their guest. Keada offered her a place to stay while she figured out a way to get home again. Hermione had a chance to talk with Inuyasha. The strange Half Demon dog boy. She found him to be an odd one. She worried about trusting them, in fact, she didn't trust them, but she would be smart and keep her guard up.
But then as she was walking around the herb garden. She approached the old Priestess. She asks her if she had a problem with witches here? Asked Hermione. As she looked up from picking her herbs.
"What makes you think that I'd have an issue with Ye, Said Keada" gently. "I am not sure, it's just something about that Dog guy said, he told me to be careful around these parts, he claims that not a lot of villagers like witches, Stated Hermione" gently but answering her.
"I don't have anything against you, you have not done a thing to harm us, but it's true, Inuyasha might be a lot of things, rude, and sometimes just plain out mean without thinking before he says something, but he's not wrong, in these olden times, we have not had the best of luck when it came to witches, and we Priestess sometimes get punish for the crimes that witches have used or done, especially with curses, because some of them because Dark Priestess and join witches, but witches and Priestess are different from each other but not too far off either, some even confuse us for witches when we are mostly healers and protect others from Demons, Said Keada" explaining this to her.
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"You've been hurt by them before, Say's Hermione" seriously. As she helped her to pick the herbs.
"Yes, we've been hit by all kinds of threats, but around here the worst threats around here are demons, who prey upon humans, but not all demons wish for the same thing, but once in a while you get a few good eggs, just like there are good and bad people in this world, I believe there are good witches and wizards too, not all dark wizards or witches, Said Keada" honest with her.
Hermione looked upon the blue sky she senses rain was approaching. Keada said time to head in, the rain is approaching. As they both walked inside the hut for the night. Inuyasha did return that same night around dinner time. As He ate his meal. Hermione thanked Keada again for putting her up for the night.
As Keada nodded and said she is most welcome. As they all heard other voices calling out. "Keada---!!! Inuyasha---!!! Were back, Said Sango" and Miroku" at the same time. As they entered the room. As they removed their old hats that were wet from the rain outside. As they looked in on the new strange girl in the room.