Chapter 1: This New World.

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Sasuke and Naruto sat side by side in the backseat of the unfamiliar vehicle, gazing out the window at the passing scenery. Naruto was fast asleep, completely oblivious to the world around him, while Sasuke remained awake, taking in the sights with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Jin, who was seated in the front passenger seat, noticed Sasuke's interest and turned to address him. "We'll wake your blonde friend up once we reach our destination," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "You can enjoy the view for now."

Sasuke nodded silently, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The landscape was vastly different from what he was accustomed to. Tall buildings, bustling streets, and bright lights filled the cityscape. It was a stark contrast to the forests and mountains of his own world.

Sasuke could still vividly remember the conversation between Jin and Tengan earlier, where they had proposed attending Hope's Peak Academy. The idea intrigued both Naruto and Sasuke, but they had their reservations and concerns.


At the interrogation room, Naruto and Sasuke exchanged glances, captivated by the man's proposition. Hope's Peak Academy had garnered a reputation for its prestige and ability to attract exceptionally talented individuals. It was an opportunity that neither of them could easily dismiss.

Curiosity shone in Naruto's eyes as he couldn't help but inquire, "What exactly is Hope's Peak Academy?"

Jin smiled, pleased to see Naruto's interest. "Hope's Peak Academy is an esteemed institution known for nurturing outstanding talents. It's a place where students with extraordinary abilities come together to learn and develop," Jin explained.

Sasuke's interest was piqued as well, but he kept his guard up. "Why should we consider attending this academy? What's in it for us?" he questioned, his tone cautious.

Leaning forward, Tengan's excitement gleamed in his eyes as he explained, "Attending Hope's Peak Academy would provide you both with an opportunity to further refine your skills, learn from other talented individuals, and unlock your full potential. It's a chance for you to grow stronger and make a significant impact on the world."

Naruto's excitement grew as the prospect of attending a school filled with gifted individuals and honing his skills enticed him. It was an opportunity to become even more powerful and fulfilling The Sage of Six Path's request.

Although skeptical, Sasuke remained stoic, contemplating the potential benefits of attending Hope's Peak Academy. He understood that it could present an opportunity to gain more power and further his own goals.

However, Sasuke couldn't help but voice his suspicions. "What's the catch? Why do you want us to attend your academy?" his voice laced with distrust.

Jin sighed, empathizing with Sasuke's skepticism. "The board of trustees believes that your talents could contribute to our ongoing research and projects. Your unique abilities have the potential to unlock new possibilities and advance our understanding of extraordinary talents," Jin clarified.

Naruto's excitement dampened slightly as he processed Jin's words. While intrigued, he didn't want to be seen merely as an experiment or a means to an end. He desired to attend the academy to grow stronger and make a positive impact, not to be manipulated for someone else's gain.

Sasuke, too, remained cautious. He didn't want to be used for someone else's agenda. He sought assurance that attending the academy would genuinely benefit him and help him achieve his own goals.

Recognizing their hesitation, Jin reassured them, "While your talents could contribute to our research, attending Hope's Peak Academy is also an opportunity for you to receive a top-notch education, connect with like-minded individuals, and forge your own path."

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