Chapter 3

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Well I hope you enjoy this haha sorry for the wait (: school and a bunch of other shit is keeping me preoccupied.


(Ariel's POV) 2 weeks later

A scream rises in my throat and I wake up startled. A film of sweat is on my forehead and my breaths are short pants. I huddle in the center of my bed wishing that Matt was with me, pulling me close to his broad chest as his arms encircle around my waist. I always get horrible flashbacks about the car crash. When I was at the hospital with Matt, all those flashbacks seemed to just disappear. He told me I should try to go home and live my life normally and if it was meant to be, we'd eventually meet again and he would be okay. He would be walking, laughing, in no more pain; god how I wish it was me instead of him that got hurt so badly. I still haven't forgiven myself for what I did.

"I can't do this anymore. I need him.." I say brokenly. Getting out of bed, I get my overnight bag and grab my car keys. I check my mirror and smooth back my brown hair into a tight pony tail, there are bags under my eyes and I sigh at my reflection. I decide to splash my face with water and apply some makeup on so I don't look like a total zombie. I lock up my house and head to the hospital, it's already passed visiting time which sucks for me because now I don't know how to get in without being escorted out. I begin to rub my temples, trying to relive some of the pressure, and think of a plan. I rummage through my bag looking for my cell phone. Typing in the code I search for Matt's number, my heart beat accelerates as my finger hovers over the call button.

"Oh come on Ariel, you've talked to him before. You can do this." I chant to myself. God I'm such a child. For goodness sake I'm twenty! I need to stop being to scared of things that aren't even scary. Letting out a frustrated breath I press the call button. My hand begins to shake as I lift my phone to my ear.

"Come on Matt, pick up." I mutter. On the sixth ring he picks up.

"Hello?" Matt says, his husky voice is filled with sleep.

"Oh shoot! Sorry for waking you up Matt. I.. I just couldn't sleep and I wanted to see if you were awake, and I can't get into the hospital now because it's passed visiting hours. But I don't want to get you in any trouble.. Ugh! What am I doing?" I ramble. looking at the ground and kicking a rock trying to not make this more awkward than it already is. A deep rumble of laughter fills my ears making me smile; I love his laugh.

"Ariel, you're doing it again." Matt chuckles. I frown, confused. 

"Doing what Matt?" I ask, curiously.

"Rambling. You always ramble whenever you're nervous." Matt says, I can practically hear the smile on his face.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I don't mean to. I mean, if it annoys you---"

"Ariel, stop. It's fine. You're rambling is cute." Matt says, cutting me off. I blush slightly kicking the rock again.

"Can I.. Can I come into your room please?" I ask Matt timidly.

"Of course you can Ariel. I'll try to sneak you through my window." He says, I can already see him shaking his head in amusement.


(Matt's POV)

When Ariel hung up the phone I slowly moved myself out of bed towards my wheelchair. I hiss in pain as my arms bare most of my weight as I lift my body off my bed to sit on my chair. I've been doing my physio for almost 2 weeks now; my body doesn't hurt as bad as it did before. I push myself over to my window; thank god it's on the first story. It'd be damn hard for Ariel to get in if it wasn't, I mean, where the hell do you find a ladder at 1 o'clock in the morning?!

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