Alexander Dynamite (Purple City):

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       "You are to come tomorrow, at 8:00 am, sharp. You will report at The Villian Corporation Inc! Dragon wants to go to Rainbow Planet, and get that unicorn..... Max." I sigh. I did not want to listen to Alberto Brutal. Alberto Brutal is in charge of The Villain Corporation Inc! As in, he owns it. He is in charge of making sure all his wonderful villains in Purple City are in check. He's been eyeing down Unicorn Max. Half  butterfly, half frog, and half human.  Dragon wants to capture Unicorn Man, from Rainbow Planet,  and make his life a miserable hell: he believes that his son will be a great superhero, serve in Superhero Universe where superheroes are mostly living as free willed people. Dragon Magical wants to wipe his family's wealth by making his family poor,  he seems like he'd be a strong guy, according to Dragon. Now, whose calling a person evil?

        "Okay, okay. What's up with Unicorn Max now?" I ask him. I

          "Same old story, different day." He rebuked. I could hear that he was smoking a cigarette.

       "Alright, I'll come over." 

          I said. I hung up the phone. Christopher Benedict drove me to Villian Corporation Inc in his Lamborghini, he got all the riches from robbing the banks. When we arrived there, Alberto Brutal greeted us in the lobby. I forgot to mention: Alberto Brutal is a green and purple alien, will never die, from the planet called Plantless, with three fingers, webbed toes, no nose, and beaty red eyes. He has barely any hair on his head, and even if he does have hair, it's red little strands of hair that look like small strings.

        He led us to a conference room. Christopher was sucking on a lollipop, and galloping. Other villains of Villain Corporation Inc had greeted us— in the middle of our table, there were refreshments such as coffee and tea, and donuts from Purple Cofe.

        "Eat and drink as much as you wish." Alberto Brutal said sitting at the table, putting his feet up, and comfortable. "I just love coffee and donut hour."

       He continued, and he looked quite pleased. I must admite Purple City Cafe does have some amazing food there. On their menu the most popular beverage is Milk Tea Boba, in a cute plastic cat cup.  Anyways, getting back on track here:

      "Okay, let's get down to business." Just then, an alarm sounded in The Villian's Corporation Inc!  on the televison. It was Max's the Unicorn's father. He was bawling his eyes out

"It's too late!" He sniffled, "Dragon took my son, and he agreed to be a superhero!" He cried.

"Okay, calm down. Calm down."

Alberto Brutal had said, calming him down. 

          I cannot imagine the pain in someone whose a villain and realizes their son wants to be a superhero and  do good. Not wanting to live in the world of wealth and pressure at a place like The Villains Corporation Inc! Where everyone looks at you like a spoilt human being. I remember I made up my mind about being a villain. I fell in love with make believe villains in comic books and  television. I had my first bank heist when I was only twelve years old,  and  back then, that's when Macey  and I were considered "Childhood Best Friends."

            Supereheroes are not known to be spoilt as they live in such a carefree universe. They do not come from wealthy backgrounds like most villains do. Sometimes I wish I have that life, no wait, do not think that way! I have a good life.

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