~..New Trouble..~

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A/n: Gonna make this quick, I will try to come up with chapter titles, but don't be surprised to see a random 'chapter 10' in here. Hope you enjoy! <3

"AH WHAT THE FU-" I yelled out as my annoying sister Aoi spilled water over my face to wake me up. "Get up, you dead beat!" She snapped at me. Oh my God.. can I have one peaceful wakeup.. Probably not. Our parents were away again, meaning me and Aoi were left to manage by ourselves. I got up, yawning and muttering curses about my sister while she glared at me "Where's my blue bow?! I know you took it! I needed that today to make Ino- NEVER MIND JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN BOW!!" My tired brain could not cope with this girl today. Usually, we got along well, but in the morning it was a war. Nobody was safe. Not even the poor toaster. The thing had gotten tossed last Friday morning, and then we had to call our parents to figure out who took responsibility and who had to pay for it. To both of our disappointment, we had to buy a new toaster out of our money split in half, but Aoi and I managed to take off partial blame because we insisted that the toaster would take our savings.

"AOI I DID NOT TAKE YOUR DAMN BOW!!" I yelled as Aoi threw her stuffed animals at me. Finally, the problem was resolved and we managed to get ready just in time to eat a hasty breakfast, put on a touch of makeup and run to the bus station. 

                                                   ~my favourite hoes~

red headed sunshine

Hey guys! Did you hear, we're getting new students today!

zest fest

Omg what if theyre rlly hot girls! i can finally get a girlfriend


btch yiu hvnrt gytton a geirl in ur ntire lyfe


i'm just gonna pretend like I understand everything..


             bold of you to assume we're gonna get girls who like you..

toaster replacement 

i heard they were gonna be boys tho..


i wonder if they're cute tho

zest fest



                                                                                                   uhmm.. chill..


              ~toaster replacement and y/n have gone offline~

We barely made it. Thanks to Aoi of course. What would I do without almost missing the bus and adding stress to myself everyday. Somehow, I got the window seat and Aoi the seat next to me. In front of me, a long mane of black hair ending in teal tips was in a loose ponytail. I immediately thought of what hair products she must use when I saw that it was a boy. Thank God I didn't say anything out loud..

The crusty yellow school bus stopped at school's gate, and everyone got out. I pushed past everyone, making sure Aoi was close behind. The first thing I saw was a purple and black hair. "Kanao!" I called out to her, making sure she knew where we were. She made her way over, smiling. I could see Tanjiro's head of red hair through the crowd. Aww.. those two make me so damn jealous that I don't have a boyfriend.. I didn't get to finish saying hello before Zenitsu crashed into us on accident, a wild Inosuke chasing behind him. We barely managed to straighten up and walk towards our homeroom. Poor Nezuko was sadly two years below us.

A commotion was at the front doors, after we had set our stuff in our lockers, we headed over. Two boys stood at the entrance. Wait.. isn't that the same black hair with teal tips as before..? My eyes widened "Holy shit.. Aoi.. those are the guys from the bus.." Everyone was grouping aroudn them, asking them questions like: "Omg can I touch your hair?", "What's your name?" And most importantly, "can I have your snap?" I thought it was funny, seeing all these people who were normally so composed and indifferent, reduced to fangirls/fanboys. Even though they were identical in appearance, I could immediately tell them apart. The younger twin, Muichiro I think, seemed more uncomfortable and quiet than the older one, who was named Yuichiro. Yuichiro was more outgoing, way more confident and competitive than his twin. 

I couldn't exactly deny that Muichiro's silent vigilance and slightly more misty eyes made me blush a bit.. But shit, Kanao was looking at me, deadass. I was not about to tell her I'm a fucking simp too. Aoi was already snickering "You should be so happy your foundation tones down your blush.. which one you got your eyes on?" My annoying toaster replacement whispered in my ear. "No way I'm telling you, bitch, you'll tell the entire school." I hissed back, turning my back on the twins, and going back to our homeroom. I sat down at my usually assigned seat, and waited for everyone else.

When finally Ms. Kanroji, our homeroom and theatre teacher, finally walked in as the class filed in, she declared "We'll be changing our seating arrangement today! God, I love a good matchmaking- I mean, seating chart!" She smiled brightly, I love Ms. Kanroji. To my dismay, Muichiro was in my homeroom and he was in more than half of my classes. Ms. Kanroji started telling everyone where they sat. "Aoi, Inosuke.. Kanao, Tanjiro.. Zenitsu, Kaigaku..-" "OH HELL NO HES GONNA KILL ME!!" Zenitsu interrupted, screeching at the top of his lungs. Can't blame him, honestly, Zenitsu may be zesty but Kaigaku is just a straight up creep. Ms. Kanroji managed to calm down Zenitsu and then continued. "Hana, Mei.. and Y/n, Muichiro!" 

Fuck. I sat down at the desk, trying not to think about the fact that Muichiro was right next to me. How does she think I'm going to focus with him next to me?? "And now, you'll be doing presentations in pairs. Please work with your seat mate!" Ms Kanroji said, trying to look pleased at her matchmaking skills in the classroom's seating. I looked over at Muichiro and said, as calmly as I could "Uhm.. what do you wanna present about?" Muichiro looked up, looking a bit confused "Uh.. who are you?" I sighed. This might take a while "I'm Y/n Kanzaki. Aoi is my sister, see the girl next to Inosuke?" "Oh okay" he said quietly. "Alright.. now that's covered.. what do you want to do the project on?" He looked nervous for some reason and asked "Could we.. do the presentation on crows..?" I frowned, not the most creative topic, but it was an easy A. "Sure."

When the bell rang for the end of school, you wouldn't believe how grateful I was. I walked with Kanao and Aoi through the hallway to the exit, and waited for the bus. 

A/n: Ok so, my first modern ff, I'm not sure what to think about it, but lemme know what you think!! 

What did you guys think about Muichiro?

What do you think about Y/n in this story?

Write down any comments or suggestions here, I will remember to check each chapter's comments and improve on them 💕

Lastly, as I promised in the intro, here is your safe space, tell me how your day was, whether anything bad has happened recently, I will make sure to respond to most if not all, I know what it's like to go through hard stuff

Drink enough water, eat regularly, go to sleep on time, 

Love, Author 💕

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